Post Number One Hundred

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I can’t believe it, but this is post number one hundred. I want to thank my readers for staying with me. This started out as an exercise in mental health, but it has now become my platform to share important information about the ongoing attempt to destroy our country. I’m not going to take a back seat and watch it happen. I want to be on the front lines in the battle. I can’t be stopped and I can’t be censored. So, I will continue to spread the truth about the people who want to bring harm to us and our country.

Top Five

Here are my top five posts in order by viewership.

Pennsylvania Senator Jake Corman has changed the leadership for an election audit

The Jake Corman Effect

Pennsylvania Senator Jake Corman overthrew Senator Doug Mastriano and replaced him with Senator Chris Dush to lead the charge on election integrity audits. How will that work out?

Why Conservative Women Are Beautiful

Almost all conservative women are beautiful. It’s not just that they are outwardly attractive, they have a secret ingredient to their beauty.

Respecting the President

It always bothered me that the Democrats didn’t respect President Trump as the president. So, I made the case for extending President Biden respect. That went out the window though. But, I tried.

The Last Two Americans

This fictional short story is about a husband and wife who are the last two Americans that are not vaccinated.

“Woke” Batman

What if “wokeism” hit the Batman characters? This is a satirical and funny look at the potential outcomes.

Next Five

And, here are the next five posts in order by viewership.

Franco Harris makes the immaculate reception for the pittsburgh steelers

Born a Pittsburgh Steelers Fan

Being from Pittsburgh, I was born into Steelers fandom. This is a look backwards at the teams of the 1970s and how the team built the foundation of the franchise for years to come.

Vaccine Battle Lines Have Been Drawn

Written the day after Biden’s vaccine mandate threat in September, I lay out the battle lines and the battles that are to come.

Biden Was Chosen For This

This is actually getting more popular. We know Biden isn’t in charge, but he was chosen for this role because of past transgressions and selling his soul to the devil.

“Woke” Batman Villains

I guess people liked the “Woke” Batman post and wanted more. This takes a satirical and funny look at how “wokeism” might affect the Batman villains.

Born a Pittsburgh Pirates Fan

Being a Pirates fan is hard today, but this looks back at the teams in the 1970s and what they meant to a young fan like me.


The Biden administration and the crazy Democrats have given me more than enough fodder to get to one hundred posts in eight months. One crazy phenomenon that I have seen regularly is that the day after I post something, there is a story or video on the same topic with many of the same points. It’s very validating because I know that I’m on point.

I do try to mix it up a little with some satire, short stories, sports and personal posts. Looking at the viewership, these posts don’t generate as much traffic as political posts. But, I believe some breaks from politics are necessary.

Thanks again for being a great audience. I guarantee the next one hundred posts will be exciting. As Biden is teaching us, a hell of a lot can happen in the eight months.

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