Biden Was Chosen For This

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The world went off it’s axis on March 4, 2020. That’s the day Biden took control of the Democratic presidential primary race. It was the day after Super Tuesday (or Super Thursday to Biden). Despite a lack of effort and money, Biden pulled out one strange victory after another. I wonder how that happened? Well, my theory is that Biden was chosen for this moment. And, he has proven that they picked the right person.

Come On Man

As I mentioned, the tide changed in the Democratic presidential primary on March 4, 2020. Up to this point, Biden looked like a lost puppy in the debates and he was attacking voters at campaign stops. In true Biden style, he barely campaigned in the Super Tuesday states and he was outspent by tens of millions of dollars. But when the vote counting stopped, whenever that was, he was victorious in almost every state. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

The Perfect Meatsuit

Let me explain “meatsuit” first. In the television series “Supernatural,” a demon would take over a person’s body. The demon called the body a “meatsuit” because the body was just a wrapping around her/his evil soul.

For George Soros and Klaus Schwab, Biden was the perfect meatsuit for them to achieve their objectives of destroying America and implementing the Great Reset. Biden was perfect because he’s easily manipulated, he’s essentially senile, he would do anything to be president, there is a laundry list of shady deals to hold over his head, and he has no soul.

No Soul

Joe Biden

Charlie Daniels wrote a great song named “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” The opening lines are “The Devil went down to Georgia. He was lookin’ for a soul to steal. He was in a bind ’cause he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal.” Soros and Schwab knew that Trump was winning the election and they needed a pushover that they could make a deal with to manipulate the election. Enter Biden.

Nothing Biden has done makes sense. But that’s because he hasn’t done it. Soros and Schwab are doing it. They paid for and cheated Biden into the White House, and now they are calling it in.

The beautiful thing about Biden for them is that he has no soul. He does everything they tell him to do without question. Abort babies? Sure. Open the border and let drug cartels, sex traffickers and criminals into America? You bet. Leave American citizens in Afghanistan? Done. Force vaccines on every citizen? On it.

You get my point. Not only does Biden do these things, but he truly doesn’t care about the death and destruction it causes because has no soul.

The Sad Thing

The sad thing is that about 25% to 40% of Americans (this is a guess) still think Biden is doing a good job. Inflation and the debt are skyrocketing. He is literally killing people by rationing medicines and forcing vaccines on people. He is going to renege on his pledge to not raise taxes for people earning less than $400,000. He’s putting people out of work for not getting a vaccine.

So, why do these people stick with him? Do they like to see their fellow Americans lose their jobs? Or be killed? Do they enjoy paying more for a gallon of gasoline? Or, pass on massive debt to our next generation? Are they willing to pay more taxes just because Trump is not president anymore?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you need to seek immediate treatment or you must be a meatsuit too. And, you don’t have a soul either.

Vendetta Man

This is an interesting phenomenon. Biden thinks he is a tough guy. Soros and Schwab like that too. They have him so controlled that they use his vendetta weakness against the American people. When we don’t do exactly what he says or we speak out, he gets angry and doubles down including making threats and trying to hurt us even more. Even worse, he makes every effort to divide people by race and vaccine status. I hope my black American friends are paying close attention because he is destroying everything Martin Luther King and all of you have fought so hard for in the last fifty years.

Speak No Evil

They don’t let the meatsuit speak because sometimes he gets confused and says something they don’t want him to say. And, they bring him to Delaware on the weekends to give him his orders and his scripts for the upcoming week so he can pretend to be president. The truth is Biden has no idea what he’s doing. He doesn’t think for himself at all.

Hilariously, sometimes he walks off like he has no idea where he is. Remember when he walked through the White House lawn instead of staying on the sidewalk. That’s a man who is senile or so brainwashed that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Do you think Soros and Schwab got to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison too? He must have some serious dirt they’re holding over him. Biden is a meatsuit. I would say that I feel bad for him, but I never will. He put himself into this situation because of the bad things he has done in his life and the absence of a soul. I hope that every American wakes up before Soros and Schwab do more damage. But, the scary thing to me is that Biden isn’t the only meatsuit in our capitol.

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