The Haves And The Have Nots

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The world has the haves and the have nots. And, the have nots despise what the haves have. This is more true today than it has probably ever been. Whether we want to admit it or not, our country is divided right down the middle. And, the two sides deal with it quite differently.


American patriots enjoyed the Trump rally in Wellington Ohio

The haves have religion. And, they love our country. They love freedom and liberty. The haves love their families. They believe in the ideals the country was founded on. The haves abide by the ten commandments. For the most part, the haves are against rioting and violence. Despite what the Democrats say, the haves are very accepting of non-white people.

Have Nots

The have nots are angry. And, when they get angry, they get nasty. The more they really want something like religion, the stronger they attack a person that has it. The have nots are proud that they can tear somebody down. It’s a badge of honor when they can get a rise out of somebody. The have nots love to look for the most insane issue and use it to attack conservatives. Hilariously, they use the conservative arguments to attack the conservatives.

Not Money

This is not about the haves having money or riches. It’s about the many conservatives that have religion and a nice life. And, it’s about the many have nots that despise the haves for having religion and a nice life. I know your question is “Why don’t the have nots just go and get religion and a nice life?” Because they don’t want to. They want to sling mud and put down others for something they want for themselves deep in their heart.


It’s a sickness and a mental issue for the have nots. You can liken it to a young person who cuts themselves because they aren’t as good looking as one of their peers. The have nots are actually jealous of the religion and lifestyle of the haves. They know in their hearts that they want better, but they can’t let go of being a nasty person. It’s because they have been nasty for so long, they lost sight of how to be nice again.


I hope I got my point across. The bottom line is that many conservatives have things in their lives that angry liberals would like to have. But rather than trying to get those things that conservatives have, the liberals tear down those things instead. For example, a conservative has a relationship with God and a liberal does not. Rather than going to church to get a relationship with God, the liberal tells the conservative that their is no God and that they are foolish for pretending to have a God. That is a sickness.

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1 Response

  1. Get rid of their assistants! They have no use. Make them responsible for their own words! Remember, the only reason we have them is because of our taxes, which they enjoy and we suffer for it!