The Republican and the Democrat

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I have always been a big fan of fables. Especially Aesop’s fables. So, here is the fable of the Republican and the Democrat.

The Meeting

A republican was walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. when she tripped and fell down. Her arms and legs were bruised and she cut her forehead. A democrat was walking the other way and also fell down right next to the republican. She also had bruises and a cut forehead.

They looked at each other, but they didn’t say anything because they recognized each other as rivals. After they cleaned themselves up, they continued walking to their destinations.

The Aftermath

When the republican got to her destination, she met up with some friends. Her friends asked her what happened and she said “I tripped and fell down on my way here.” She continued to tell them about the democrat who fell next to her.

When the democrat got to her destination, she met up with some friends. Her friends asked her what happened and she said “A republican pushed me down, kicked me and spit on me.” The republican also called me names. And, she was a racist white supremacist and a domestic terrorist.

And Then

Jim Acosta of CNN is the most pompous reporter today

The next day, the republican saw a report on CNN that she attacked a democrat on Pennsylvania Avenue the day before. They played a video that only showed the democrat on the ground. Then, they dubbed in the republican looking down at her angrily.

The day the republican fell was June 1st. The media and the Democrats in Congress named the event “June 1st.” The democrats created a committee to investigate the event. The Committee subpoenaed President Trump, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. They were convinced that this was their fault.


The committee found every republican in America responsible and had all of them arrested. Biden berated them in a speech calling them the biggest domestic terrorist network threatening America. The Democrats in Congress got tee shirts that read “I survived June 1st.”

In a stunning display, Nancy Pelosi and her minions staged a reenactment of pushing each other down, then pretending to kick and spit on the other person. Every media outlet covered this and made it their top story.

The republican was jailed for life. She was put in an equity cell with two large transsexual male prisoners.


The moral of the story is “stay the hell away from a democrat.”

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1 Response

  1. Love this, I just read to my children they are laughing, so true, Democrats are awful stay away for sure