Respecting the President

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I’ve been doing some thinking lately. The biggest thing that bothered me when President Trump was in office was the lack of respect he was given by people in Congress, the mainstream media and big tech. During that time, I thought that it doesn’t matter if you don’t like the person or if you disagree with the person, he is still the President, and he is owed respect. Keeping that in mind, I need to do a better job of respecting the president.

Caught Up

I was hurt when President Trump lost the election. Although, I still don’t believe in my heart of hearts that he truly lost. And, I got angry when President Biden (it hurts me to call him this) signed all of those executive orders in his first three days and completely re-opened our southern border. In fact, I don’t agree with anything President Biden has done.

It’s so easy to get caught up in it all though. And, it’s so easy to get mad and vindictive. But, it’s not easy to realize what you’re doing and make a change. Whether he is legitimate or not, he is still our president right now and he deserves my respect.

The Fine Print

As on any contract, you have to read the fine print. This new approach doesn’t mean I won’t write about bad decisions he makes or stupid things he does. It means I’ll do it in a more respectful way. I’ll still write satirical posts, but I’ll try to avoid personal attacks.

Why The Change?

Joe Biden

President Biden is already frail. This was his third time running for President, and he finally won. But, I don’t think he is getting any enjoyment out of it. It would be awful to constantly have people telling you what to do and when to do it. He looks like he is in over his head when he has trouble talking and answering questions.

The leaders of other countries can see this weakness. And, I don’t want to magnify it. Although, that’s what I’m doing right now.

I also just want to put a stop to it. We need to love each other, despite our differences. When Jesus got angry in the temple, He didn’t stop loving those people. And, He loved the Pharisees as well. Although, he didn’t agree with the Pharisees.

Finally, I don’t want to set an example for my children that it’s okay to disrespect the President of our country.

Rise Above

We need to rise above the despicable liberals who consistently disrespect Republican presidents. This all started with George W. Bush in 2000. Because of the “hanging chad” disaster in Florida, and the Supreme Court declaring him the winner, the liberals labeled him an illegitimate president. They attacked his faith. And, they portrayed him as a drug addict and drunk. They also said he is stupid.

Hillary Clinton still thinks she won the 2016 presidential election

They started attacking President Trump even before he got elected. The liberals desperately tried to portray him as a womanizer and a liar. Hillary Clinton wouldn’t accept defeat (Democrats can do that). She went on the talk show circuit to brag that she won the popular vote and that the Russians helped President Trump. That was the start of Russia-gate, which the liberals would spend millions of dollars and all of their time chasing a debunked theory. In fact, we now know that Hillary called on Russia, not President Trump.

So, I don’t want to stoop down to the liberal level. I can make criticisms without attacking President Biden’s character.

Social Media

Social media is one of the worst things to happen in the United States

Social media is one of the worst things to ever happen to our country. When you post something on social media, you don’t have to face the person you’re talking about. So, you can get your “beer muscles” and say whatever nasty things you want. And, you get instant gratification. You don’t have to wait for a newspaper article or news show. If you’re a liberal or the leader of Iran, you can say whatever you want about anybody, including the president.

I was never crazy about President Trump tweeting as President. He didn’t need to do that. But, think about Kathy Griffin’s tweet holding the bloody head of President Trump. Those kind of tweets are why others disrespect the president on social media. Everybody is trying to outdo each other so their tweet gets public recognition.

I wish we could get rid of social media altogether. It’s a tool of the devil.


I honestly don’t think the liberals will ever stop attacking Republican presidents. It has become part of their DNA. But, the conservatives should join me in rising above the disrespect. I know what you’re thinking. The conservatives always take the higher road, and where does it get us.

It puts us on the side of God. And, it makes us better than the liberals. It sends a message to future generations that we all should respect the president, no matter our disagreements. Our country was founded on respect for every person. That goes for President Biden too.

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