Why I Just Changed from Republican to Independent

2021-02-10 | 10:05h
2021-02-10 | 17:37h
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Why I Just Changed from Republican to Independent

Published date February 10, 2021

Last modified date February 10, 2021

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I have been a registered Republican for over 40 years. That represents my entire voting life. Ronald Reagan inspired me to join the Republican party despite being a member of an entirely Democratic family. Yesterday, I became an Independent. Let’s explore some of the reasons that a lifelong Republican would take this action.

Republican Unity

Unlike the Democrat party who will totally unify behind the most ridiculous notion (impeaching a person who isn’t in office), the Republican party of today can’t agree on how to make a cup of coffee in a Keurig. More importantly, they turn on one another constantly (see Cheney, Liz).

Republican Submission

Right now, the Democrats are being bullies. They are using their position of governmental power, their big tech partners and the deep state to threaten, besmirch, cancel, smear, etc. every American and Legislator who has a different opinion than them. From what I see, many of our Republican representatives cower in fear and submit to the bullying (see Cruz, Ted regarding election irregularities). This is a time to face the bullies without fear and stand tall for your constituents. This is not a time to say and do things to appease the bullies just because they say they might hurt you.

Also, I resent being called a domestic terrorist. And, I wish our Republican leaders would stand up for me to put an end to that nonsense now.

Republican Representation

There was a day when you voted for a person based on her/his promises to represent you in Washington knowing that you can count on that person to defend those promises. There was also a day when you could have a dialogue with that representative via phone, mail, email or live events like a Town Hall. No more. You never get through by phone. There is never a live event. And, you get canned, arrogant responses from mail or email. Thus, I don’t have anybody asking me about decisions that may affect me and my family. And, I don’t have anybody representing me in Congress.

My Senator is Pat Toomey. He announced that he will resign in 2022. When I emailed him about the voting irregularities in the 2020 election and asked him to stand tall and reject the electors in Pennsylvania, I received a canned, arrogant response speaking down to me about how he does not plan to reject the electors because he knows better than me about the situation. He never asked his constituents, he never considered another opinion and he did what HE wanted to do. I personally think that Senator Toomey has no accountability anymore because he is resigning. When a person in Congress wants to resign, that person should be replaced immediately.


Although there were many voting issues identified in the 2020 election (dead people voting, etc.), none was more egregious than mail in voting. Somehow, our state legislators and courts allowed this under the guise of the pandemic. Of greater concern is that people were allowed to vote early and states were making mail in voting procedure changes up until the day of the election.

In the interest of preserving our election system and guaranteeing that every vote truly counts in the future, our Republican leaders must take the initiative to reform the system and implement standards. As of now, I have no confidence that my vote is sacred anymore.

Lost Opportunities

The Republicans need to take a page out of the Democratic playbook. When the Republicans had control of all three Legislative branches in the first two years of President Trump’s term, they essentially wasted it fighting among themselves and pretending to reach across the aisle to keep their Democrat friends appeased. These opportunities come around infrequently and need to be taken advantage of. Especially when it is the will of the people.

By the way, watch how the Democrats are seizing this opportunity right now and learn from it.

Republican Future

The future of the Republican party is bleak. The Democrats are well on their way to making sure the Republicans won’t win again for a very long time. I hear all the rhetoric about taking back the House and Senate in 2022, but if the Republicans don’t do some serious self-reflection, that’s a pipe dream.

And that’s why a lifelong Republican and his campaign dollars have departed the party.

Please see this article from the NOQ Report to learn how leaving the Republican party might be a good strategy.

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Good article! I love reading a measured, thoughtful take on the state of our political system today. I wish more people would break away from the two-party system that kowtows to the elite class and their corporate/Wall Street cronies. Looking forward to reading more!

Well written and good points.

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