My Tucker Carlson Theory

2023-05-20 | 18:31h
2023-05-20 | 18:31h
My Tucker Carlson Theory

Published date May 20, 2023

Last modified date May 20, 2023

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I know. I know. There have been so many stories written about Tucker Carlson’s separation from Fox News. Before you stop and click elsewhere, you should read this. It’s my Tucker Carlson theory, and it isn’t like anything else you might have read already.


It is well documented that Fox News settled a lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for 787 million dollars. Of course, this is ridiculous for a couple of reasons. First, we have a first amendment in the United States, so we can say whatever we want. Second, Dominion was definitely culpable for election irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. Facts are facts.

It has been reported that part of the deal between Fox News and Dominion was that Tucker Carlson be removed. There have been many stories debunking that theory, but I think it is true. It will cost Fox News millions of dollars. And, I think that’s why the settlement wasn’t higher.

January 6th

Fox News got to kill two birds with one stone. After Carlson was given the January 6th footage and reported on it, three things happened. First, he helped get January 6th prisoner Jacob Chansley (QAnon Shaman) out of prison and placed under house arrest. If you think this didn’t ruffle some feathers in the DOJ, you are quite wrong.

Second, the Democrats including Chuck Schumer were so deathly afraid of the video footage that they cried for Carlson to be deplatformed. I’m sure they applied serious pressure to Fox News to get rid of Carlson or else.

Third, Carlson caught Ray Epps in a lie. Ray Epps is the government infiltrator that coerced people to enter the Capitol building and never got arrested for doing so. It’s very possible that Epps threatened Fox News with a lawsuit if they didn’t get rid of Carlson.

If you noticed, Carlson came out like gangbusters with the video footage and his analysis. But, after the Democrats had a cow because it would implicate them in a coup, Carlson’s coverage got less and less.


As much as Fox News claims to be a conservative channel, it really doesn’t know it’s own identity. They will cruise along as conservative, then they’ll do something that throws you for a loop like calling Arizona on election night with 2% of the precincts reporting. And, they are very anti-Trump which means that about 70 million people don’t like them.

With the Dominion settlement behind them, they are fearful of more lawsuits. That means they have to muzzle Carlson because he tells the truth. And, in today’s world, the truth gets you in trouble. Especially if it goes against the Democrat narrative. Fox News should have never settled with Dominion. By doing so, they shot themselves in the foot and they minimized the first amendment. That’s exactly what the Democrats want, and they handed it to them on a platter.


So, Tucker was sacrificed by Fox News for the Dominion settlement and the January 6th video footage. He had every right to say whatever he wanted and he should still be at Fox News. In the end, Carlson will be better off. But, as a principled person, I think it is so wrong. My concern is that he’ll be muzzled wherever he goes. By settling with Dominion, Fox News has reinforced censorship of conservative media. The fear won’t just be at Fox News. Other conservative stations will be fearful of telling the truth now. The Democrats won this battle. But, the war is yet to be decided.

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