Pick Tulsi Gabbard For Vice President

2024-05-10 | 04:27h
2024-05-10 | 04:26h
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Pick Tulsi Gabbard For Vice President

Published date May 9, 2024

Last modified date May 9, 2024

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It’s time for President Trump to pick Tulsi Gabbard for Vice President. I don’t think any of the other candidates are as qualified as she is. And, she checks a lot of important boxes. But, Trump needs to do it now. While they have him bogged down in these fake trials, she can be out on the campaign trail.


I don’t think there is anything fake about Gabbard. What you see is what you get. And, what you get is a truly genuine person who cares about the American people. In fact, she cares so much that she left the Democrat partyAMP because they turned their backs on the American people.

I’m a pretty good judge of character, and I don’t sense any lies in what she says. I think she says exactly what is on her mind with no political twist whatsoever. And, I never feel like she is gaslighting me.


Compare Gabbard to Kamala. I can probably just stop there. But, Gabbard is a woman in the following sense. She is attractive, well-spoken, smart and caring. Gabbard has religion and a peace about her. You can tell she gets strength from a higher power. Moderate suburban women will love her.


Gabbard is active in the military and has been deployed overseas. Her record has been stellar. With a military soldier as vice president, it would help when the dopey military leaders try to railroad Trump. But, Gabbard is all about peace. From experience, she doesn’t want to see American soldiers sent to meaningless foreign wars. That’s just like Trump. So, you get the military vote and the votes of people who are against “Bush Cheney” wars.


After the Mike Pence debacle, it is very important that President Trump pick a vice president that will be loyal. Gabbard doesn’t play games. She eloquently shares her opinions, and she can take no for an answer. She won’t be playing footsie in the back room with another politician. I honestly think she will be more loyal because she is a former Democrat. Trump can be hard to work for, but Gabbard can kill you with kindness. And, I’m sure her military experience makes her plenty tough when she needs to be.


I get the feeling from watching Gabbard that she is a teammate rather than a solo. Her military experience taught her to respect her leaders and to work with others. Trump desperately needs a teammate. And, he definitely needs someone who knows the pecking order.


Let’s keep it real. The possibility exists that Trump could die during his term. If that unfortunately happens, I am completely comfortable with Gabbard as president. There is no way that she all of a sudden becomes a Democrat again.


Gabbard was a star in the Democrat party. Choosing Gabbard for vice president is like sticking a knife in the Democrats’ backs and twisting it around. Those that badmouthed her like Hillary Clinton will eat a big “crow sandwich.”


At the time of this post, it appears that Gabbard is no longer being considered for vice president. After looking at the other candidates being considered, I think Trump needs to reconsider. I know he is trying to be overly strategic with his choice. But, none of the candidates stack up to Gabbard’s intelligence and eloquence. Don’t overthink this Trump!

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