These People Are My First Picks

2024-06-12 | 04:56h
2024-06-12 | 04:56h
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These People Are My First Picks

If I was going to pick a team to defend American ideals and principles, these people are my first picks. That would be the people who stood up to everybody when they wanted to inject them with poison. You see, these people are smart enough to make their own decisions and stand up for what they believe.


Remember when these threats were made to the unvaccinated:

  • Our alleged president told the unvaccinated that he was losing patience with them.
  • Our alleged president tried to pass a law so the unvaccinated would lose their jobs.
  • The unvaccinated were not welcome in business establishments.
  • The unvaccinated could not travel by airplane.
  • Some hospitals and doctors would not treat unvaccinated patients.
  • Some hospitals would not give emergency organ transplants to unvaccinated patients.
  • Alleged friends prohibited you from attending events like baby showers if you were unvaccinated.
  • Some family members didn’t want you at holidays because you were unvaccinated.
  • You were kept away from elderly relatives because you were unvaccinated.


We were the new deplorables. And, we were treated like we had leprosy. But, we stood our ground despite the abuse. We certainly didn’t want the vaccine. But, we resented others telling us what we had to do. Especially, people like Fauci who weren’t even real doctors.

It’s still going on you know. Somehow, my pharmacy knows I haven’t been vaccinated. And, they keep telling me they will vaccinate me for free. Really? I take great pride in telling them no every time. And, the last time I told them to please mark my record to indicate that I am not interested in any vaccines.


Freedom is something that does not require a vaccine. It is something that every person should treasure and be willing to fight for. If a person doesn’t wish to be injected with a vaccine, they should have the freedom to make that decision. After all, it is their body. It was interesting how all of those pro-choice advocates abandoned “My body. My choice.” when it came to the vaccines.

If the unvaccinated didn’t stand up to the global elites, they would have achieved their goal of global dominance. Instead, their experiment failed. And, freedom was preserved for now.


The unvaccinated are the team you want. They are loyal to their beliefs and freedom. And, they think for themselves without being influenced by others. They are fighters who are unafraid. These are the people you want on your team for the next pandemic.

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