The Media Quandary

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The Media Quandary

Published date November 26, 2021

Last modified date November 26, 2021

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America is more divided then it has ever been in my lifetime. The differences between conservatives and liberals is like the Grand Canyon. The media quandary is that conservatives don’t read or watch liberal media and the liberals don’t read or watch conservative media. And the result is that attitudes and beliefs don’t change one way or the other, and the American divide remains stagnant.

To The Conservatives

Most liberals despise President Trump because they think he is fake and a bully. They think he is fake because he has a past with women issues and because of his business dealings. They think he’s a bully because he sends mean tweets.

Most liberals believe that climate change is real and that our world is in danger of being extinct by 2050AMP if we don’t do something about it now.

Most liberals believe that unvaccinated people pass coronavirus to vaccinated people. For this reason, they believe everyone must be vaccinated and everyone should wear a mask. They believe anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated and wear a mask is responsible for killing others. They believe the coronavirus death rate is much higher than it actually is, which is why they are so fearful.

Most liberals believe that Trump supporters are bible-toting, gun-toting white supremacists. In fact, many of them believe that Trump supporters are Walmart-shopping deplorables that President Trump whips into a frenzy to bring harm to Democrats.

Most liberals believe that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist because he shot three white men in self defense. Furthermore, they believe that Rittenhouse did not shoot in self defense. They believe he went to the riot because he was a militia member intent on killing people.

To The Liberals

Most conservatives believe that inflation, the border crisis and the supply chain crisis are intentional actions to weaken the middle class for the Great Reset. They believe no president could be so inept to create a crisis out of every decision he makes.

Most conservatives believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is a sin. They usually have Christian principles and they don’t believe in killing. They don’t want a woman to lose her right to choose. But, they just want the choice to be something other than killing.

Most conservatives believe that liberals are elites who want to control everybody and tell them what to think. They believe that vaccine mandates and mask mandates have nothing to do with coronavirus, and everything to do with control.

Most conservatives believe that Congress is a joke and that representatives and senators are controlled by money. They believe that impeachment and the January 6 Committee are political theater. And, they distrust some of their own members of Congress as much as the Democrats.

Most conservatives believe that the deep state is compromised and has become an extension of the Democrat party. They have a deep distrust of the Department of Justice and specifically the FBI.

Most conservatives believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom is of vital importance to them. And, they believe in the preservation of our history.

Most conservatives believe that our children should not be taught to hate each other. And that systemic racism doesn’t exist.


It’s very unlikely that a liberal will read this post. And, that’s the problem. If we don’t try to understand each other, then we don’t make any progress. If conservatives only read conservative news and liberals only read liberal news, then we’ll never be able to come together. I tried and it is very hard. It’s so much easier to read things you agree with. The only way a liberal can be educated is to get the person to understand the news from a conservative perspective. I’m not sure if and how that can be achieved.

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