The Republicans Will Do Nothing

2022-06-06 | 04:39h
2022-06-06 | 04:39h
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The Republicans Will Do Nothing

Published date June 5, 2022

Last modified date June 5, 2022

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I’m particularly disturbed about the treatment of former Trump staffer Peter Navarro. For those of you who don’t know, the unconstitutional, fake January 6th Committee held Navarro in contempt of Congress because he wouldn’t agree to appear before the committee. He was taken to jail in handcuffs, put in a cell, and put in leg cuffs. My immediate thought was that if the Republicans take the House and/or the Senate, will they return this disrespect to the Democrats in kind. But, I answered my own question. The Republicans will do nothing.


Before I consider the things the Republicans should do, I have just a few things. The Republicans have made some veiled threats about what they would do. I’ll cut them some slack because it isn’t good strategy to boast about what they will do leading up to the midterms.

We also have to seriously consider that the Democrats will cheat in the midterm elections. They don’t seem very concerned about blowing up the country. You would think they would want to do something to make things better to have a chance in the election. It’s a huge red flag that the steal is on.

Also, we need to remember that Biden can veto any new legislation, and likely will. But, the Republicans can make him extremely uncomfortable.


The Democrats voted to impeach President Trump twice for no good reason. In return, the Republicans should vote to impeach Biden at least three times, and preferably more. If Biden does that stupid whisper thing during a press conference, they should impeach him. But seriously, he should be impeached for the border crisis, vaccine mandates, his shady dealings with his son Hunter, and the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Republicans should also impeach Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Director of the FBI Christopher Wray.

It goes without saying that Fauci must go on day one.


On day one, the following people should be removed from committee assignments in the House.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Eric Swalwell
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Ayanna Pressley
  • Maxine Waters
  • Liz Cheney (oops, she won’t be there)

January 6th

On day one, they should open an investigation into January 6th. This should include federal government infiltration and incitement, refusal to post National Guard forces, mistreatment of prisoners, the murder of Ashlii Babbitt, House police opening doors and inviting people inside and the unconstitutional and partisan committee’s actions.


They need to establish an election system where you vote in person unless you absolutely need an absentee ballot. Votes must be done on paper, and you must present a valid American citizen identification card. Of course, you must also sign your name, and your signature must be verified. That’s it. Simple and easy and legal.

The Great Undo

The Republicans need to introduce legislation to undo every dumb piece of legislation introduced by Pelosi and her band of merry idiots.

What Else?

The Republicans need to open up the DeSantis playbook. Any organizations with special privileges need to lose those privileges. Do you hear me big tech, big pharma and Major League Baseball? Strip healthcare organizations of their non-profit status. Throw dissenters in jail. And, arrest school board members and teachers who want to indoctrinate our children with inappropriate sexual content.

But …

But, the Republicans won’t do any of this. In Washington D.C., it’s all about money, special interests and winning the next election. They’ll talk big, but there will be no action. I’m generally not a vindictive person, but a lesson needs to be taught to the Democrats. Taking the high road won’t teach them anything. They need to experience the same pain they put the Republicans through.

Do the Democrats get a time out or do they get a whooping? That’s up to the Republicans.

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