We Want Biden. End of Discussion.

2024-07-02 | 05:24h
2024-07-02 | 05:16h
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We Want Biden. End of Discussion.

Please stop all of the talk about replacing Biden or removing him via the 25th Amendment. Or, coercing him to step down as a candidate. We want Biden. End of discussion. This is what the Democrats across the country voted for, so this is what they get. Just like we voted for Trump, and that’s what we get.


President Trump is a very smart man. He played this debate as good as any candidate of all time. While everyone was thinking that they trapped Trump into a CNN debate, the real trap was set for Biden. Trump kept his cool and allowed Biden to show the world what a sad, pathetic man he is. Biden’s handlers tried to put too much information into that 81 year old dementia brain. And, it came out as a jumbled mess.


I don’t feel sorry for Biden. He was never elected president anyway. And, he was just the puppet that Obama played for his third term. Biden deserves no respect from anybody. While he walked around in his Depends shaking hands with the air, he was allowing Obama to destroy the country. Biden will go down in history as the worst president ever. Obama used him like a dirty handkerchief.


And, the democrats blow themselves up yet again. They are on a bad streak right now. But beware, a cornered animal won’t go down without a fight. Conservative heads need to be on a swivel.

The democrats actually thought (and some still think) that Biden can beat Trump again. Today’s version of Biden wouldn’t beat Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney. I say allow the democrats and their mainstream media darlings to continue putting Biden on a pedestal. And, let democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to continue their praise of Biden.


Beating Biden is a slam dunk unless their is massive cheating. He will never recover from that debate performance and his recent senile moments on the world stage. To be honest, I don’t think he would make it through the first year of another term. So, the democrats are voting for Kamala instead of Biden. The problem with Kamala is that she can’t blame her stupidity on dementia. Let’s go Brandon!

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