World According to Trump

2021-09-01 | 04:30h
2021-09-01 | 04:30h
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World According to Trump

Published date August 31, 2021

Last modified date August 31, 2021

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We are in some dark times and it can get overwhelming and disturbing. But, we are blessed to have the true President fighting right there beside us. President Trump hasn’t abandoned us. He’s using his stature and all of his means to expose the truth about what’s going on in our country and the world. The world according to Trump is one where Americans still come first. I don’t think there is another man who can take on the establishment like him. And, he will outwork all of them. Because, he is motivated to save America.

Good versus Evil

In no way would I ever compare President Trump to God or Jesus, but he is leading a battle against evil. Right now, evil permeates the American government and the world. Just look at world leaders like Biden, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, Boris Johnson of Great Britain, Emmanuel Macron of France, Angela Merkel of Germany, Scott Morrison of Australia, Jacinda Adern of New Zealand and Justin Trudeau of Canada. They all bow down to the altar of George Soros and the Davos clowns.

This is a bad group of leaders all at one time. And, their tyrannical actions during the coronavirus pandemic prove what I’m saying. When President Trump was in office, he stood up to all of them. And, they despised himAMP for it. So, they all got together with our “swamp,” our deep state, big tech and our state-run media to cheat in the 2020 election to get him out of office.

The Biden Effect

I am one hundred percent convinced that the Afghanistan crisis was done on purpose. There is no way that many people are that stupid. If you just watch some of the press briefings, they look like they don’t know anything. Joe Biden is doing what he is told by George Soros and the Davos idiots. It’s really quite shameful that he is allowing himself to be used as their pawn to destroy our country.

President Trump is smart. Very smart. I’m sure he knows what’s going on, and he’s tweaking Biden and his administration every step of the way. Believe me, it gets under their skin. It’s like when William Wallace tells his friend in Braveheart, “I’m going to peck a fight.” That’s exactly what Trump is doing.

The Best Defense

Anyone who has studied President Trump knows that the best defense is a good offense. That’s why he placed so many federal judges and three Supreme Court judges while the Democrats held kanagaroo impeachment trials. But, we learn as we go, and the swamp is pretty large and pretty full. The “jury” is still out on all of those judges. It’s not going well in the Supreme Court so far.

So now President Trump is working very hard to get the right representatives and senators elected in 2022. But, it’s a race against time because the evil ones are working to destroy America before that election ever happens. That has to be why they don’t seem to care about losing in 2022.

It’s not just the representatives and senators in the federal government, President Trump is also recruiting and endorsing America First fighters in the state legislatures. Just in case the federal candidates are duds, he’s insulating at the state level.

Americans First

We Americans are the backbone of President’s movement. President Trump knows that we are passionate about our country. Moms are peacefully standing up to school boards. Woke businesses are being hurt by boycotts. Just ask the National Basketball Association (NBA). People are peacefully protesting unscientific mask mandates. Governor Gavin Newsom of California is being recalled because the people don’t trust him anymore.

At least half of the American citizens back President Trump and will help him in any way they can. He had our back, and now we have his. I donated to his PAC, and so have a lot of others. In addition to people, money is important too. We are fighting against some of the richest evil people in the world, and it won’t be cheap. We need to put our money together to win this fight. I’m happy to make a donation if it means our country will be saved.


My conclusion is this. We have a winning team with a winning leader. President Trump won’t quit, and we won’t either. Did he quit when they tried to impeach him twice? Absolutely not. There will be good days and bad days. We need to monopolize on the good days and learn from the bad days. Because in the world according to Trump, we will be the victors. I know that in the depths of my heart. We’re the half of the country that cares about the American future, and that passion will drive us to victory.

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