What Can I Say To You?

2024-02-05 | 06:26h
2024-02-05 | 06:26h
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What Can I Say To You?

Published date February 5, 2024

Last modified date February 5, 2024

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There are some things that perplex me. It seems like they can be remedied pretty easily. But, what can I say to you? They aren’t getting fixed. It’s like the United States is stuck in neutral.


This befuddles me. The border was opened in January 2021. Here we are three years later and illegal aliens are still coming in drovesAMP. I feel like Democrats and Republicans are working together to keep it as is. The Republicans do some great talking, but they never take any action. The only way it will get fixed is if Trump becomes president in 2024. If they cheat again and he doesn’t become president, we lose our country.


I learned in Economics 101 in college that having too much money in distribution causes inflation. Also, when there is overdemand and undersupply, prices increase. So, stop printing money and fix the supply chain issues. Halt interest rate changes. They won’t do anything.

Student Debt

This is unbelievable. The Biden administration is defying a Supreme Court decision and still providing student debt for selected students. And, the jerks are doing it in secret. So, people have no idea it is happening and they aren’t complaining. Does this mean that it is alright to ignore the Supreme Court? Clearly, there is nobody enforcing Supreme Court decisions.

Here are my solutions:

  • Forgive everyone’s student debt and pay the average amount forgiven to every household with a child that did not go to college, but could have. Also, pay back all amounts that were already paid in the last five years.
  • Don’t forgive any debt and allow the children to learn how to be a responsible adult.


What can I say? A lot of nothing. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much the same right now. The Democrats lead them all off the cliff, and the Republicans follow like puppy dogs. Neither of them care about us or our country. Those days are gone. It’s survival of the fittest now.

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