Congresswoman Susan Wild

2021-11-08 | 03:23h
2021-11-08 | 03:23h
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Congresswoman Susan Wild

Published date November 7, 2021

Last modified date November 7, 2021

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After being my Pennsylvania representative since January 2019, I finally received an email from Congresswoman Susan Wild. Interestingly, she “reintroduced” herself in the email. I’m not sure what that means because she never introduced herself to begin with. Anyways, read on for the lies put forth.

Do Nothing

In almost three years, Susan Wild has not done one thing to help me and my family. She has voted with the Democrats like a sheep on every vote. I have sent her numerous emails asking for her to bravely take a stand on some key votes, but I just get canned responses saying how great she is doing. So, she isn’t really interested in my opinions.

Then, she sends me this email last week telling me she can advocate on my behalf with a bunch of big government agencies like the IRS and Social Security. How about advocating on my behalf against vaccine mandates? What about advocating on my behalf against passing a huge spending bill with nothing in it that helps me in any way? Can you advocate for me and stop millions of illegals from entering our country? Those are some things that can help me.

And Then

She ends the email by saying that she is working with both parties to expand opportunities and support for middle class families, bolster public education, care for our veterans, and combat climate change. The only thing she is telling the truth about is climate change. And, that is what is behind all of the government spending that will use up my taxpayer dollars and balloon the national debt to use up my children’s taxpayer dollars.

Let’s Test These

Either Susan Wild has drank the Kool-aid or she doesn’t have a brain. Nothing she has done or is doing will expand opportunities and support for middle class families. She is fully supporting the most radical administration ever in their attack on middle class families. I wish she would wake up and look at what’s happening instead of burying her head in the “elite” sand. You can help middle class families, especially in your district, but first you need to stand up to your destructive party and have some courage.

If bolstering public education means implementing Critical Race Theory, allowing boys dressed as girlsAMP into the restrooms and having parents labeled as domestic terrorists and investigated by the FBI, then no thanks. If it means fighting for our students to be taught true American history, protecting our students from harm, and allowing parents to be involved in what is taught to their children, then I stand corrected.

When you are supporting Biden’s policies on our military, then you are not working on care for our veterans. You are working to harm our veterans. After the miserable Afghanistan withdrawal, our veterans were in disbelief. After all of their hard work, Biden, Milley and the team of clowns undid it in a matter of days. Some spoke out, only to be threatened and censored. If you want to help our veterans, how about having the courage to stand behind them?

The Final Word

I’ll bet Susan Wild didn’t write the email to me. In fact, it looks like a template where you just plug in your own information. I say this because some of it doesn’t make sense. How can she claim to be working to help middle class families when she and her party are doing the exact opposite? I love our veterans, but is that more important than the border crisis, inflation, vaccine mandates and the supply chain crisis?

The middle class is having trouble paying for gas. Some of us are wondering if we’ll be able to heat our homes. Now, some of us have to worry about losing our jobs because we won’t submit to a medical procedure. And, we’re all feeling threatened by our open border and the criminals and drugs being integrated into our communities. Lastly, we are experiencing food shortages because of the supply chain nightmare. Are you working on these issues?

What kind of representative waits three years to contact her constituents? I’ll answer that. One that has done nothing but go to fancy dinners. Or, one that is so owned by the Democrat party that she doesn’t have a mind of her own. Or most likely, one that is so out of touch that she sends an email bragging about the work she is doing when it has absolutely nothing to do with the issues of today and the issues affecting her constituents. She’s an embarrassment.

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