The Great Reset of Our Government

2022-02-24 | 04:52h
2022-02-24 | 04:41h
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The Great Reset of Our Government

Published date February 23, 2022

Last modified date February 23, 2022

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I haven’t been reading or watching much news lately because it wears me down. Biden’s buffoonery is well documented. And, his administration is a laughingstock of the world. But, the remaining cast of federal government characters are a joke. Both Democrats and Republicans. I really think we are overdue for the Great Reset of our government. A complete makeover is necessary.

Tear it Down

Fire everybody! Every single federal government employee. Then hire Americans who actually want to serve the people. This doesn’t just apply to the President and Congress. This applies to the FBI, the Supreme Court and everything down to the mail carriers. It all smells of stench. And, disband the Homeland Security Department. They never should have created it in the first place.

Now I know the first thing you will say is “but there are good people.” From what I can see, even so-called good people aren’t always good. Just take a look at the voting records and the comments. Just when you think someone is on your side, they betray you. Too bad. They all go.

Build Back Better

Fill every job with Americans who want America to be great. I don’t care if it’s a Democrat or Republican, as long as they care about our country and it’s people. I don’t care if the person is 18 or 85. If they want to help, they are welcome. Nobody will be beholden to anything, so they can represent the people without serving some other interest. Most importantly, nobody will bend the knee to China, Fauci, Soros or Klaus Schwab.

Immediately institute term limits on all elected positions and the Supreme Court. Two four year terms at maximum. This will keep the positions filled with people who want to serve the people. Refresh congressional leadership positions every four years. Once you hold a leadership position, you can’t be a leader again. This includes the Chief Justice position.

One Strike and You’re Out

Every federal government position is subject to a policy of “one strike and you’re out.” Right now, once people get into a federal government position, they can pretty much do whatever they want with no jeopardy of losing their job. Every job should have an agreement that the employee will be terminated for cause when the employee does anything illegal or to harm any American. I’ll leave the legal stuff to the attorneys, but you understand what I mean.


I’m very serious about this. Everybody says that Ukraine is corrupt. But we have major corruption in our own government. The current federal government doesn’t represent us. In fact, they represent everything but us. We no longer have a government. We have a bunch of self-serving elites that are in it for the power, the money and themselves.

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