Arguments Against A Vaccine Mandate

2021-11-03 | 02:04h
2021-11-03 | 02:04h
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Arguments Against A Vaccine Mandate

Published date November 2, 2021

Last modified date November 2, 2021

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I just read that our compromised Supreme Court ruled that a coronavirus vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in Maine can be upheld. So, I thought I would present our Supreme Court with some arguments against a vaccine mandate. Unfortunately, I know more about constitutional rights and freedoms than they do. And, that’s the state of America right now.

What’s Done Is Done

Once a person gets the coronavirus vaccine, it can’t be reversed. It is forever. Whatever long term effects it may have are yours to deal with. If it kills you in two weeks, that’s “part of the process.” If you can’t have children after getting the vaccine, that’s too bad. You can’t extract it. There is nothing you can do. And, nobody should ever be forced to put something into your body that they don’t want. Do you hear that Supreme Court? You’re as evil as the Biden administration. Maybe even more because you should know better.

It’s Experimental For God’s Sake

The coronavirus vaccine is experimental. That means that we are the guinea pigs being used for clinical trials. When a person chooses to be in a clinical trial, that person makes the decision to do it. Nobody tells the person she is mandated to be in the clinical trial or she will lose her ability to feed her family. How is this different? A great majority of the American population has already agreed to participate in this clinical trial. There isn’t a need for more subjects. But, let’s remember that this has nothing to do with a clinical trial. This is about compliance. Period. Do you hear that Supreme Court? I guess they don’t.

The Exempt

Members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the vaccine mandate. Members of the federal court system are exempt from the vaccine mandate. Guess who that includes? Correct. The Supreme Court. So, they can mandate the vaccine for others, but they aren’t subject to a mandate themselves. Oh, I see.

Illegal aliens coming into our country are exempt from the vaccine mandate. As far as I know, Afghan refugees are exempt from the vaccine mandate. So, if I fly to Mexico and enter our country from Mexico, then I don’t have to worry about a vaccine mandate.

Hey Supreme Court, this is ludicrous. Either the mandate applies to everybody or the mandate applies to nobody. You can’t have it both ways. You should know this. And, the fact that you don’t tells me you are not very smart people. Or, you are seriously compromised. I know Justice Roberts is compromised by the Jeffrey Epstein situation. But, I wonder how Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Coney Barrett may be compromised.

I’m guessing the Democrats have something from Justice Kavanaugh’s drinking and womanizing past. And, I think Coney Barrett is a liberal in conservative clothing. She did work at Notre Dame University.

Doing Your Job

I’ll do the job you are unable to do. The Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …

Let me break this down for you Justices. All men are created equal, whether he is vaccinated or unvaccinated. All men are endowed with certain unalienable rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is easy if you’re following. I have a right to my life. You can’t force me to take a vaccine that could cost me my life. I have a right to liberty. I have the right to decide if I will get a vaccine. And, I have a right to pursue happiness. And a forced vaccine doesn’t make me happy.

Doing Your Job – Part 2

The Preamble to the Constitution states:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Let me break this down for you Justices. We the people establish justice. Our justice does not include inequitable vaccine mandates. We insure domestic tranquility. Forcing people out of their jobs because they won’t submit to an inequitable vaccine mandate does not result in tranquility. We secure the blessings of liberty. If the government can mandate that we must submit to an inequitable vaccine, then the blessings of our liberty no longer exist.


Let me sum this up for our clueless and/or compromised Justices. You believe that the government can circumvent the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to force selected Americans to get a coronavirus vaccine that is experimental and can never be undone. Do I have that straight? If you voted for this, you need to resign in disgrace immediately.

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