It’s Much Worse Than the Polls

2022-04-05 | 22:02h
2022-04-05 | 22:00h
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It’s Much Worse Than the Polls

Published date April 5, 2022

Last modified date April 5, 2022

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Almost every day I see a new poll that Biden’s approval rating is historically low, that President Trump would win any matchup in 2024, and that the Democrats will be crushed by the Republicans in the midterms. That’s all good news, but I think it’s much worse than the polls indicate for the Democrats.


Polls are not exact. Remember the 2016 and 2020 elections. The polls were trash. Polls have a small sample set and don’t always equally represent different groups. Additionally, it only includes people who agree to provide feedback. How many times have you picked up the phone and told a pollster you aren’t interested?

The Fringe

There will always be the fringe 25% of Democrats that stay with the Democrats no matter what. They will wear their masks faithfully for the rest of their lives. They will pay $20/gallon for gas. The fringe will cheer as the country is torn to shreds, families are attacked and God is removed from society. These are some of the dumbest people to ever walk the Earth.

But the Rest

But, then there are the rest of the people. Many (and I mean many) have buyers remorse after voting for Biden. Many admit that Trump’s policies were much better for our country. And as people continue to learn that all of the supposed Trump-gates (like Russia-gate) are actually Democrat mischief, they are starting to see the Democrats for what they truly are.

Those who are actually intelligent (not in the fringe) have had enough of inflation, supply shortages, censorship, loss of parental rights, exorbitant gas prices and open borders. The “polls” even say that 70% of Americans blame inflation on the Democrats and about the same percent are against censorship.

People have had enough and that will show up in the midterm elections. It’s going to be a lot more dissent than the polls are capturing. Biden better get his veto stamp inked up.

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