Disenfranchised in Pennsylvania

2022-11-16 | 00:56h
2022-11-16 | 03:39h
Disenfranchised in Pennsylvania

Published date November 15, 2022

Last modified date November 15, 2022

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I’m now officially disenfranchised in Pennsylvania. I am a Republican (soon to be Independent) with no senator or representative to represent me. I also don’t have a governor to represent me. I’m on an island with nobody to help me.

And Next

I know what is coming next. The Republicans will keep McConnell as the Senate leader and McCarthy as the leader in the House of Representatives. And, I’ll be further disenfranchised with no leader who represents me.

In fact, I’ll have a Republican leader in McConnell who has sabotaged two elections in a row. In 2020, he stubbornly refused to send a higher coronavirus stimulus check resulting in the loss in the Georgia senate runoff elections. And in this election, he called Republican candidates “low quality” and he held money back from key senate races.

And, they’ll keep Ronna Romney McDaniel in charge of the Republican National Committee (RNC). That will guarantee that I’ll be disenfranchised for a long time to come.

No Fix, No Win

The Republicans did absolutely nothing to make our elections fair. The Democrats played the January 6th card to perfection. They scared almost every Republican into submission about the 2020 election. Then, they cheated (and are still cheating) in this election. And, the Republicans are still silent even now. So, I’m disenfranchised yet again.

I can’t help but think that the Republicans and Democrats are in bed together. I can’t think of another reason that the Republicans say and do nothing. Remember the Harlem Globetrotters. They always played the Washington Generals. And, the Washington Generals always lost. That’s because the Globetrotters and the Generals had an agreement that the Generals would always lose.

The Republicans are now the Washington Generals.

Why Vote?

I’m tired of hearing that I need to vote or I’m not helping my situation. I just did that, and it didn’t matter. I’m not going to vote if the other side cheats and my vote is meaningless. Why bother? This makes two elections in a row where my vote was cast aside for cheating. When a dog is kicked over and over, the dog eventually leaves.

So, I won’t vote again until the elections are fair. And, I mean it. If the Republicans just accept the outcome of this election and do nothing to address the blatant fraud, then they will lose forever.

People that I respect, like Steve Bannon, harped about how important it was for me to vote. They said I needed to vote. And, what happened? More of the same. So, stop preaching about voting. It doesn’t matter anymore.

Nobody Cares

I’m disenfranchised in Pennsylvania. And, nobody cares. I’m staring at two more years of the destruction of everything I love about our country. My hope was a turnaround in the midterms. The Republicans talked a good game. But, they didn’t resolve the root cause. You’ll never beat cheating.

If you’re playing chess and every time you look away, your opponent returns a piece to the board, who do you think will win? How about if you’re playing baseball and the umpire tells you the other team can start early to get as many runs as possible before the actual game starts? Or taking weeks to evaluate a hockey game to count every time the puck hit a goal just in case there might have been a score?


In today’s political environment, our senators and representatives don’t listen to their constituents. The Democrats all vote democrat and the RINOs help the Democrats win everything by voting against us. So, if I want to contact my senator and/or representative to seek support for something that is important to me, I’m dead in the water. I won’t be listened to even though they are allegedly representing me.

That’s why I’m disenfranchised in Pennsylvania. I get to pay taxes and have no representation. Does that sound familiar? Taxation without representation. Boston Tea Party anyone?

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