Call To All Democrats

2021-09-20 | 13:37h
2021-09-20 | 13:38h
Call To All Democrats

Published date September 20, 2021

Last modified date September 20, 2021

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I know most of you. You’re my friends, my family and my coworkers. And, I absolutely can’t believe that the majority of you approve of what the people you voted for are doing to our country and to people like me. I’m making a call to all democrats. Can you please join me in the fight to end the assault on our country before it gets more out of control? It’s directed at people like me now, but it won’t be long until it is directed at you too.

Mutual Respect

For my entire life, I’ve enjoyed a mutual respect between my opinions and the opinions of others. I have never judged a person because of their political beliefs or healthcare decisions. I’ve always been the person to listen and try to look at things from different perspectives, not always believing that my way is the only way.

To my Democrat friends, I don’t feel like that’s a two way street anymore. It’s not each person individually. It’s the collective group. I just heard on the Glenn Beck show that Democrats rank the following as the biggest threats to America. Number one at 57%, are Trump supporters. Number two at 56%, are unvaccinated Americans. And then, the Taliban and China are at 44%.

I can’t believe this is true. It has to be some made up poll. My family, friends and coworkers can’t possibly think I’m a bigger threat to America than the Taliban and China. Maybe the biggest threat to America is from within your own party if this is true.

One Nation Under God

Our country was founded on this basic principle. We are all one nation, and we are all children of God. It doesn’t say two nations, and it doesn’t say without God. As I said above, I don’t push my beliefs, including my religious beliefs, on others. So, I’m not going to push it. But, we are brothers and sisters. We are humans. And, we should always try to get along.

I want to have fun, joke around and hug my family, friends and coworkers. I want to enjoy the fellowship I have with people. And, I don’t want to hate and fight. Life’s too short. And, in the end, we just have each other.

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

This is not hyperbole. The President and Congress members you might have voted for want to kill me because I won’t get vaccinated for coronavirus. They are preventing doctors from prescribing drugs that can help me, and they are stopping the distribution of monoclonal antibodies that can help me. So, if I don’t submit to the vaccine, then I can’t get help if I get coronavirus.

To any human being, this can’t be acceptable. Is there anybody who reads this and thinks this is right? I know a lot of smart people, and I can’t believe this would make sense to any of them. I doubt if I would actually die from coronavirus, but if God calls me, then that’s my time. But, to deny me medicine is evil incarnate. I hope my Democrat family, friends and coworkers will stand with me against this inhumane treatment.


I know a young couple who would like to buy a house and start a family. They’ve been saving money for a long time to realize that dream. But, housing prices are up 16.2% since last year. It’s virtually impossible to buy a starter home right now. It’s not just them. This is happening to young couples across America.

Many of you Democrats and fellow Independents likely have family, friends and coworkers in the same situation. We need to stand up for these young people and make it possible to buy a home and start a family. We need to stop the Wall Street thugs from buying up properties to sell them back at exorbitant prices. Our young people are our future, and they deserve all the opportunities we had. And, I’m pretty confident you agree with me. Or, at least, I hope and pray that you do.


America isn’t perfect, and nobody ever claimed it was. But, it is our country and our home. And, we the people are what makes it great. I don’t buy all of this crap that people hate America. I think it is mainstream media nonsense. The people that I know, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, love our country. I’ve never heard one person put down America, other than an occasional disagreement about something that can be better.

I’m encouraging my Democrat family, friends and coworkers to stand with me to squash this narrative. It’s setting a horrible example for our young people and it’s exactly what our adversaries like China, Iran and Russia want to hear. I also think it’s having a terrible effect on our military because they don’t feel like they are protecting people who love our country. It’s crushing morale, just like what we have done to our police officers.


We need to set aside our differences and get back to being a loving, caring country. If we allow the Biden administration and the mainstream media to divide us, then the result is not going to be a good one. Are you really on the team that wants me to be killed because I have a different opinion? Is that really what it’s come to? I wish no harm on any of you. You can do what you wish and make your own decisions. But, I hope your decision is not to harm another person.

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