You’re Playing Into Their Hands Trump

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I love President Trump. He is the best president in my lifetime. However, you’re playing into their hands Trump. The Democrats are using your pride to try and manipulate your voters into getting the vaccine. But, the problem is that it’s driving away voters like myself. The Democrats are dividing your voters just like they divide everything. And, you’re falling for their game. Remember this President Trump. When Joe Biden gives you a complement, it’s only meant to manipulate you. Otherwise, he would have done it long ago.


President Trump

I get that you’re proud of your accomplishment of getting a vaccine delivered faster than ever and saving so many lives. But, a couple of things happened since. First, the Democrats have weaponized that vaccine against your very own voters. And second, the vaccine had short term success.

You deserve the accolades for getting a vaccine developed, but you need to have the same pride in stopping the abuse of your voters. During a recent appearance on “The History Tour” with Bill O’Reilly, President Trump revealed he got a booster shot. This elicited boos from some of the crowd to which he replied “don’t, don’t, don’t.” Then Trump and O’Reilly did a little propaganda pitch about getting their booster shots.

I think my advice to President Trump is to not say anything about his booster shot. Unless of course he’s now in the fold with the Democrats and trying to persuade his voters to get vaccinated.

Don’t Turn Your Back

Since President Trump finds it more important to persuade his voters to get vaccinated rather than protect the freedom of his voters, my opinion is changing. If I lose my job next month because of the vaccine mandate, I’m going to hold President Trump equally responsible for that. And, if he decides to run for president in 2024, I’ll definitely vote for someone else in the primary.

President Trump has done a poor job of helping his January 6th supporters who died and are languishing in jail for a year now. I addressed this for all Republican politicians in a prior post. If he turns his back on protecting the freedom of his voters too, then he fails all of us and doesn’t deserve our support.

So I say to President Trump, focus your energy on protecting freedom rather than taking it away. If the Democrats have you in their fold, then do what you do best and tell them to kiss your ass.

A Final Consideration

Just a final consideration. I might just be one person. But, I’m an average person. And if I’m an average person, then there are a lot more average people like me that are feeling the same way. I have a lot of Trump supporter friends that I can share my feelings with. And they can share it with their circle, and so on. Lastly, I can post this on my blog to reach even more people. Stop playing games President Trump and get back to the person who protects us.

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