Worry About the Fires and the Food

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While all of us (including me) are fixated on the persecution of Trump and the degradation of our society, our land is being burned and our food supply is being tainted. We need to worry about the fires and the food. That’s the real threat to all of us. In fact, if we don’t do something about it, we will lose our country and our life as we know it.


We need to worry about the fires!

Do you remember a time in your life when there were so many fires as we have seen recently? We are witnessing fires like we have never seen before in Canada, Maui and factories. The really weird thing to me is how we never get an answer about how the fires were started. And, nobody is asking. The next weird thing to me is the government’s lack of response.

These fires are a land grab. The World Economic Forum has set the wheels in motion for the Great Reset. In the Great Reset, the non-elites will own nothing and be happy. So, they are maliciously taking away property by burning it down. It’s quicker and easier than trying to buy it.


All of the Trump indictments are not to keep him from office. They are to divert all of our attention while they take our land. And we (including me) are falling for it. If the World Economic Forum can grab as much land as possible in the next 14 months, we probably won’t have an election.

Gender, race, open borders and Ukraine are diversions too. They keep us fixated while they continue to burn and claim land across our country. We need to get our focus straightened out. It is the land.


This has been going on for a while, and some people are finally noticing. City property values are in a tailspin. First, coronavirus lockdowns emptied out office buildings and they cannot lease the buildings now. Second, homeless people line the streets like a third world country. Finally, crime is rampant and unenforced making the cities unsafe places for people and businesses. In hindsight, sending illegals to the cities actually helped the cause of the World Economic Forum. It made the cities even less attractive.

Climate Crap

Conveniently, the only reason for the fires that I have heard is that it is being caused by global warming. Unfortunately, the tree huggers believe this without studying it. This has nothing to do with global warming. Global warming doesn’t light a match and start a fire. People do.

This climate crap is a huge smokescreen for the World Economic Forum to do whatever it wants and blame it on the environment.

Fires and More

  • There have been more than a dozen train derailments in the United States in 2023
  • In 2023, there have been 35,382 fires that have burned just over 1.68 million acres. Factory fires are the number one cause of supply chain disruptions.
  • So far, the wildfires in Alberta have burned 3,250 square miles of land. In British Columbia, roughly 520 square miles of land have been burned.
  • The Maui fires destroyed thousands of acres and 3,000 buildings.

Depopulation and Displacement

Fires have multiple uses for the World Economic Forum. They contribute to the depopulation agenda and they displace people from their homes to other places. In other words, they are herding people to where they want to herd them. It’s really quite devious.


We need to stop worrying about the things they want us to worry about and open our eyes to the fires they are starting. Hawaii is a mostly Democrat state. I wonder how they feel now about things. Biden ignored them and then made jokes about them. The World Economic Forum doesn’t care if you are Republican or Democrat. They only care if you are elite or non-elite. Unfortunately for the majority of you ignorant, blind Democrats, it will be too late when you finally see it. But, at least our environment will be safe as we languish in slavery.

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