World War III Is Coming

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Thanks to our so-called political leaders in Washington, World War III is coming. It’s amazing to me how many of them want it. At least we know where the first nuclear bomb will hit. Right there in the heart of Washington. Of course, we also know that they will all be cowering in an underground bunker somewhere. And, you know who will be killed. Not them.

Regime Change

So many of the politicians are screaming for regime change in Russia. They have even gone so far as to suggest the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin. I don’t hear Putin calling for regime change in the United States or Ukraine. The regime change needs to happen in Ukraine. This Volodymyr Zelensky character is much worse than Putin. Despite what you might read or hear from the mainstream media, Zelensky hasĀ banned an entire ancient Christian denomination in Ukraine, seized churches, and thrown priests into jail. He pretends to be a hero, but he’s an evil monster.


Just like we did when we left millions of dollars of equipment in Afghanistan, we are now doing the same thing in Ukraine. Using our tax dollars, our politicians have approved billions of dollars of equipment to be sent to Ukraine. Do you think we’ll ever see that equipment returned?

I’m sure Putin isn’t happy that we are arming Ukraine. I wouldn’t be. And, I think his patience is wearing thin. Mine would be. The United States has absolutely no business being in this conflict. All they are doing is stoking the fire. And, I think they are doing it on purpose for some reason.


BRICS is an alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Since the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, the BRICS countries have only distanced themselves further from the so-called West. Neither India, Brazil, South Africa or China are taking part in sanctions against Russia. Now, even more countries are joining BRICS like Saudi Arabia and Iran. The battle lines are being drawn.

The Dumba&#

Lindsey Graham

I don’t think there is one person anywhere who wants World War III than Senator Lindsey Graham. He has said some of the dumbest things imaginable about Russia and Putin. He is either trying to be a tough guy or his intelligence level is that of a second grade student.

Graham doesn’t have a wife and family, so he doesn’t care about ours. I won’t even call him a RINO. He is worse than a RINO and every liberal on Earth. Graham is one of a kind. And, he is such an egomaniac that he thinks he knows what he’s doing. What he’s doing is poking the bear hoping to send our children and grandchildren into a world war.


Our government should be able to negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine. But, there doesn’t seem to be any interest. Or maybe Biden is incapable. The man can hardly speak. This situation isn’t going to get better. In fact, it’s getting worse by the day. Maybe it’s time for the border czar to become the Russia-Ukraine czar. We’ll be in great shape if she is as successful.

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