Why Not Prove Trump Wrong?

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Instead of all of these indictments, why not prove Trump wrong about the 2020 presidential election? Show the world that he is a liar and that he is crazy. Spend your time showing us the receipts that you have. Wouldn’t it be better to show the entire world that he is insane? Especially his voters. If you have definitive proof that the election wasn’t stolen, he will look like a total fool.


I smell fear in the Democrats. Their big reason for the election not being rigged is because courts threw out cases. They have yet to present any real evidence that the election was valid. In fact, they act like they don’t need to. I won’t ever believe the election wasn’t rigged until a Democrat presents me with real proof.

But, they are scared they will be found out. So, they simply call dissenters “conspiracy theorists” and they chase after President Trump because he tells the truth. We’re ready for the truth when you are ready to present it. In fact, I’m eager to see it.


Biden got a surge of votes during the early morning when vote counting had stopped

Show us exactly how Biden got a spike of votes in the battleground states after vote counting was stopped. Prove to us that Joe Biden got more votes than anybody in history. Show us how Biden overcame every statistical predictor of an election victory. Prove to us that Trump got more votes than any sitting president in history, and still lost.

Explain why the video in “2000 Mules” of people stuffing ballots is invalid. Tell us why Detroit put cardboard in the windows so nobody could see what they were doing. Invite Fox News to tell us how they called Arizona with 1% of the votes counted. Give us hard facts and evidence. If we’re convinced, we’ll issue a formal apology and back “Honest Joe” in 2024.


Dominion Voting Systems has won some defamation lawsuits. But, they have never produced any real evidence that their machines functioned properly and could not be accessed from the interview. They never explained why they installed an update four days before the election. If everything was on the up and up, prove to us that everything was secure. Show us what was in the update. Demonstrate how the machines can’t be accessed via the Internet. Prove that there is no way to weight votes. Show us how votes cannot be added via a thumb drive. We’ve been waiting and you have been silent.


If the Democrats would show real, hard evidence, this whole thing would go away. But instead, they have to arrest people, indict people and silence people. That doesn’t sound like someone who is telling the truth. It sounds like someone who is terrified of the truth coming out.

Prove everyone who questions the election outcome wrong. Make a fool out of all of us. Embarrass us instead of arresting us. My father often said “The truth will set you free.” Show and tell us the truth so you can get out of your shackles. We’re waiting very eagerly.

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