Why Don’t We Pray for the Russians?

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In church yesterday, we offered prayer intentions for the Ukranian people. That was OK with me. But, why don’t we pray for the Russians? They aren’t responsible for the actions of their government, just like we aren’t responsible for the actions of our lame and hurtful government.

No Fault

Although I was OK praying for the Ukranian people, I don’t like it when my church takes sides in a conflict. There are human beings on both sides, and those human beings are being harmed on both sides. My church should care about all human beings. God loves Russians just as much as he loves Ukranians.

A lot of the Russians don’t want anything to do with this aggression. In fact, many are demonstrating. I even read that the Russian army looks untrained and unprepared. I’m sure that’s because their hearts aren’t in it. So, shouldn’t we pray for the soldiers that don’t want to fight and the innocent people that don’t back the aggression?

The Pawns

The Russian people are being used as pawns in several games. First, they are paying because of the actions of the banks, restaurants, entertainment industry and big tech. Mastercard and Visa have frozen accounts. McDonalds closed restaurants. Netflix suspended service. And, Twitter and Facebook shut down.

Now, who does this hurt? Does it hurt Putin because he won’t be able to watch “Cuties” and get a Big Mac? No. It hurts the Russian people. And, that makes no sense to me. These companies have nothing to do with the conflict. But, I’ll bet you money they are being told what to do by the Biden administration. You see, Biden loves hurting people. It makes him feel like he isn’t as senile as he is.

The Pope

Pope Francis is damaging the Catholic church

And finally, my pope. Francis is not religious and he is not holy. He, of anyone, should be offering prayers for people on both sides of this conflict. He should speak out about the atrocities of these companies to harm the Russian people for something they have nothing to do with.

But, all we get from the globalist pope is collecting money for people in Ukraine while watching the Russian people be treated like enemies. He sits in silence. And, God is watching.

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