Why Can’t We All Get Along?

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Remember when we all got along. It was in 2015 before Trump won the presidency in 2016. Conservatives weren’t enamored with Obama, but they didn’t ever attack him like the liberals attack Trump. Why can’t we all get along? There are a myriad of reasons.


President Trump

The mainstream media, deep state and Democrats have had it out for Trump since before he was inaugurated in January 2017. I have yet to see one valid reason for the attacks on him. Trump delivered on his promises when he was in office. That’s unusual for a president. Everything he did was to make America great again. And, he didn’t even draw a salary.

Democrats and liberals crucify him. They call him racist and now “Hitler.” I don’t get it. He did more for the black community than Obama ever did. And, I don’t get the Hitler reference at all. If they are implying that he is a fascist dictator, that’s a joke. He’s the furthest thing from it. Trump wants to make America great for everybody including liberals. But, people don’t get that because they watch the mainstream media.


There has been disagreement on abortion as long as I can remember. But, the vitriol from the left is at a rabid level. Until women can get abortions at will, the left will hate anyone who thinks differently. To me, it’s a black or white issue. Women can choose to murder their baby or women can bring a new life into the world. And, that statement right there will cause the left to go into hysterics instead of thinking about it.

Unifier in Chief

Remember when Biden told us that he was going to unify the country in his inaugural address. He has done just the opposite since taking office. No president in my lifetime has done more to divide the country than Biden. He imprisoned January 6th attendees who did nothing wrong. And, he called MAGA republicans “domestic terrorists.” He weaponized the DOJ and FBI to arrest anyone who dares to question him or any Democrat. How can we ever get along when our president does these things? He just keeps poking the bear hoping he can go after more Republicans.


Believe it or not, there are liberals that believe the onslaught of illegal aliens is a great thing. Of course, they only get small soundbites from the mainstream media so they have no idea it is as bad as it is. As soon as a conservative tries to tell the truth, she/he is immediately labeled a racist. The liberals defend it to the grave. They won’t realize the damage until we have a major domestic terror event or they start losing their jobs to illegal aliens.


And, those are just some of the reasons we can’t get along anymore. It’s fine to have different opinions, but it’s not fine to treat each other like sworn enemies. The liberals will destroy a conservative who disagrees with them. They will dox them, swat them, get them fired, imprison them and/or censor them. That is what the country has come to. No guns, but kill them any way you can. Getting along may never happen again.

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