Why Are They Taking Our Protein?

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There are shortages of eggs and chicken. The price of beef is out of control. And, there is a fish shortage. It’s hard to find beans and dairy products unless you hit it on the day supplies come in. These are all foods that are high in protein. Why are they taking our protein? The answer is terrifying.


Protein is vital for three major functions. It helps you grow and repair muscles and other soft tissues. It is also a building block of enzymes and hormones, which help regulate processes in your body. Thirdly, protein is a fuel that your body burns for energy.

Protein is the building block of numerous body parts including hair, nails, tissues, enzymes, hormones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

But, let’s take a look at some of the health complications associated with a lack of protein.

Health Complications

Kwashiorkor can repress a youngster’s mental and physical advancement. Marasmus can prompt
weakness, lessened muscle versus fat levels, decreased vitality levels and weight reduction.

Long term protein inadequacy can influence your psychological well-being in various ways. It can prompt mental hindrance (especially in youngsters) and cause tension, surliness, sorrow and crankiness.

When you don’t get enough protein in your eating regimen, your body begins to get it from somewhere else. One of the primary sources your body goes to is the muscles. And, it makes them waste and shrink.

Protein is basic for the creation of antibodies. This makes you more defenseless to infection and disease.

The Reasons

Bill Gates might be one of the most evil men on the planet

The global elites want our dependence. If we have mental and psychological issues, we are easier to manipulate. This is especially true for our children. If they can get them at a young age, then it is much easier than when they are adults. The symptoms like tension and crankiness will lead many to seek assistance anywhere they can get it. Even evil-doers.

Weakness and decreased vitality levels pretty much squelch any type of resistance. The same holds true for muscle depletion. The evil-doers can do what they want with no threat of resistance.

And, further depleting your immune system opens the door for upcoming man-made pandemics. The vaccines were intended to attack your immune system to make you defenseless against viruses. The end goal of the evil-doers like Bill Gates is depopulation. If they can’t get you from the vaccine, then they’ll get you by removing your protein foods.


Some people may not even notice that protein foods are short in supply. And, some people may already be experiencing symptoms of protein deficiency. There are evil forces at work in the world. And, they will stop at nothing to achieve their objectives. We all need to stand up and demand answers as to why this is happening. More importantly, we need to do whatever is necessary to end these shortages. Our very lives depend on it.

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