Why Are Campaign Ads Negative?

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I am totally worn out with the campaign ads for the midterms. Why are campaign ads negative? I don’t care why your opponent is an awful person. I care about what you will do to represent me in Congress. And, I care why you are the best candidate. The truth is that a Democrat voter doesn’t believe attacks on a Democrat candidate and a Republican doesn’t believe attacks on a Republican candidate. So, it’s a waste of money. I have doubts that it is ever effective in changing a voter’s position.


Joe Biden

I think debates are the best way to learn about candidates. They provide the best opportunity to learn about where both candidates stand on important issues. Just think about when Biden admitted he would end fracking in Pennsylvania. That was an OMG moment that could only be overcome by cheating in the election.

In a debate, it is fine to use some negativity as long as it’s respectful. Unfortunately, it’s usually not respectful. But, when attacked in a debate, it is fine to defend yourself. Especially when the attack is a blatant lie.

These are the reasons the Democrat candidates won’t debate this cycle. They have nothing positive to say, so they resort to negative attacks. Especially abortion. That seems to be there one and only talking point. I know this from all the Democrat commercials I hear.

OK, But

OK, but aren’t some of the negative ads necessary to tell people about bad things a candidate has done or wants to do? I guess. However, I don’t think it should be slinging mud. I think the bad things should be backed up with facts. That includes videos, sound bites, or publication references. Voters should be pointed somewhere to research the facts themselves. When you see it, hear it or read it with your very own eyes, you believe it.

The Democrats have mastered election misinformation. They tell lies over and over, hoping people will eventually believe it. And, some of their lies are so far out there that it’s crazy. But, some ignorant voters do believe their lies without doing research. It’s really a sad strategy. If only a Democrat had something good to say that was true.


I don’t like hurtful attacks on a person’s character. In other words, I don’t want to hear that a candidate slept with someone. There has been a lot of talk about John Fetterman because of his stroke. But, attacking his mental ability to hold a responsible position in the government is not attacking his character. It’s attacking his ability.


I don’t know about you, but I would rather know what a candidate will do rather than what his opponent will do. In other words, I want to know that a candidate will fight to lower inflation rather than hearing that his opponent will do anything to raise inflation. Most informed voters already know where the candidates stand. But, the Democrats use scare tactics to confuse uninformed voters. And, that is why I hate negative ads. They should be eliminated.

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