Who is the Dumbest Celebrity?

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I just love it (sarcasm) when dumb celebrities weigh in on politics. So, let’s play a game. Who is the dumbest celebrity?


I’m not doing the dumb exclamation point thing in the name. But, then again, she recently lived up to her exclamation point. Pink told everybody who is pro-life to stop listening to her music. She assumed that we actually listened to her music. And, she assumed we even know who she is. I’m not sure if her comment was a threat or a punishment. You can count me out Pink. I can stop listening to something I never listened to.

Bette Midler

Bette Midler Yikes

Pink isn’t smart, but Bette Midler is more dangerous. Midler is super dumb, but she thinks she’s smart. I wish she would stop and listen to herself some time. The things that she says make no sense whatsoever. I think “the Rose” is suffering from years of drug abuse. And, I guess when she plays these roles where she is a funny idiot, it’s art imitating life.

In her latest tirade after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, she said “the United States should ban viagra because it’s God’s will to have a limp dick.” I have three words for you Bette. Just shut up!

Alyssa Milano

She certainly throws her two cents into everything political. I remember her on the show “Who’s the Boss?” when she was a child star. Then, she did nothing. Then she became this political activist (that’s what it says on Wikipedia). Just because you were a snotty little brat on television, that doesn’t make you a respected political activist. I have three words for you. Get a job!

Bruce Springsteen

During the 2020 election, “the Boss” told us he would move to Australia if Trump wins. The Democrats must love his music because they cheated to win the election so he would stay. I was hoping Trump would win so he could move to Covid-camp Australia. The truth is I like some of his music, but I would have had no problem if he moved. Of course, these threats never materialize. He’s just trying to influence voters. And, that is incredibly sad.

Jane Fonda

Dear God. What do I say here. During the Vietnam War, “Hanoi Jane” visited North Korea and stood for a photograph with North Vietnamese troops on an antiaircraft gun. So, she has been hated by most of America for 50 years. But, Fonda can’t get enough. She makes outrageous comments about political issues now. Fonda is starved for attention because she is old and has no acting career anymore. Kind of like Alyssa Milano.

Christina Aguilera

I haven’t seen a lot of comments from Christina Aguilera. However, her recent performance with a green dildo will be etched in mind for a long time. That is a political statement without saying a word. She might not know it now, but she is going to look back on that one day and be humiliated. Or maybe not. She does have children, so expect those little screwed up runts to be on this list in 20 years.

Lebron James

James is the dumbest billionaire to ever live on planet Earth. It’s not so much that he feels compelled to make dumb comments, it’s that he always gets it wrong. He has no idea how to read his audience and he always isolates half of his followers. He will never be in the same discussion as icons like Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He’s too concerned about making his bold statements. I have three words for you Lebron. Get a publicist.


On dumb alone, Pink takes the cake. Her threat that wasn’t a threat showed us her lack of intelligence. Furthermore, if any of those people do listen to her music, they won’t now. That’s called “biting off your nose to spite your face.” Pink couldn’t spell “cat” if you spotted her the “c” and the “t.”

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