Who Are the 38 Percent?

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Joe Biden is the least popular president in 75 years. He blew up our country and inflicted damage on all of us. He personally created a division in the country that we haven’t seen since the Civil War. Somehow, 38 percent of the American people say Biden is doing a good job. Who are the 38 percent? Because, they are living in some kind of alternate reality.


Steven Van Zandt is a moron

Some celebrities in Hollywood are beginning to see Biden for what he is. But, there are still a bunch of Trump-haters. Celebrities don’t have to worry about inflation. We already gave them our money to see a concert or movie. Celebrities like Robert De Niro, Bruce Springsteen and Whoopi Goldberg are a very small percent of the 38 percent. I would classify them in the “ignorant and uncaring” category.

I don’t understand how some celebrities can approve Biden’s job when there are homeless tents everywhere and illegal aliens flooding to Los Angeles. They hate Trump so bad that an illegal alien could defecate on their fancy car and they would still say Biden is doing good.

Deep State

Nobody is more terrified of a Trump win than the Deep State. So, I’m sure the 38 percent includes some Deep State representation.


Even though our cities are overrun with violence and chaos, there are still some city dwellers who think Biden is doing a good job.


The majority of educators are liberal Democrats. And, they are terrified of Trump because they may not get away with their child grooming anymore.

Just Democrat

Finally, there are people who won’t sway from being Democrat no matter what happens in the country. Mommy and Daddy told them they’re Democrats, so they don’t waver from what they were told. It reminds me of Congress. Democrats vote along party lines with no exceptions. The bill could be to cut their hands off, and they would vote yes if that’s what the Democrat leaders tell them to do.


Somebody has to be in the 38% that approve of the job Biden is doing. I have a neighbor who proudly displayed her Biden and Fetterman signs. I don’t know her, but she doesn’t look very smart. Some people I work with are Democrats, but they just hate Trump. I don’t really know a person who thinks Biden is doing a good job. But, I know someone who thinks Gavin Newsom is amazing. Imagine that!

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