While the Republicans Sleep

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We have problems in America. And, it is so disheartening. President Trump predicted all of it. He knew. But, if he knew, other people knew too. At this point, I don’t know if anybody in our government is on the side of the people. I don’t trust anyone. It seems like the Republicans are asleep. So, let’s look at what is happening while the Republicans sleep.

Elections and Votes

election fraud

The proof regarding cheating in the 2020 presidential election is overwhelming. It wasn’t just the Democrats. It was foreign influence, big tech money and the deep state. I’m sure even more will come out.

While the Republicans sleep, our votes no longer count. While they sleep, evil forces are surely sabotaging the next meaningful election. The Democrats know they’re sleeping, so despite the destruction they are doing, they don’t care. Because they already know they will win again.

Those Borders

While the Republicans sleep, the Democrats are importing millions of new voters. They aren’t even transparent about it. They’re putting most of them into battleground states and they’re trying to turn Texas blue.

The Democrats want the illegals because they can be manipulated. I have to think that the true immigrants are reconsidering entry. Why would anybody want to come to this country legally? At least right now? It isn’t much better than their countries. The American dream is on hold.

Family Destruction

While the Republicans sleep, the forces of evil are destroying the family unit. They are brainwashing our children in our schools. And, they are teaching our children that it is perfectly fine to kill a child as long as it is in a mother’s womb. They are confusing our children about being a boy or girl.

Coronavirus caused a lot of mental illness, but you wouldn’t know that if you don’t do your own research. That’s why these young people are shooting people. Lockdowns, vaccines, social distancing and masks have fractured some families. It truly distanced people.

God and Freedom

While the Republicans sleep, God is being removed from society and freedom is being taken away by the day. Coronavirus church lockdowns have resulted in many people leaving the church. God is being removed from schools, government and even churches.

Coronavirus restrictions did a job on our freedoms. Unfortunately, the panic porn of the government and mainstream media has people still wearing masks. What people don’t understand (or maybe they do understand) is that wearing that mask is a surrender of all of our freedom. They will likely realize that when it is far too late.

And Finally

While the Republicans sleep, our country is being transformed into something we won’t recognize for years or decades to come. I can’t help but feel that the Republicans want to be asleep. And, I can’t help but feel that they are part of the problem and don’t care about a solution. I don’t trust anybody in government anymore. I think the good ‘ole boys are working together to sell all of us out to the Great Reset. When that happens, there are going to be a lot of Americans who wish they had done more research and acted differently.

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