While the Catholics Sleep

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The Catholic church is at a crossroads. We have the worst pope in my lifetime and coronavirus killed any momentum the Catholic church had going. While the Catholics sleep, the Catholic church is being destroyed. And, I don’t see any action to make it better.


I only have my small window to make an assessment, but based on what I have seen at three different churches, attendance is way down. At the recent Ascension mass, there couldn’t have been more than one hundred people in a church that seats about 2000.

While the Catholics sleep, lockdowns have driven parishioners away. And, I don’t see them coming back anytime soon. The church gave them a reason not to come to mass, and they embraced it. The Catholics hibernated when they should have been standing up to Satan. I’ll bet Satan is quite happy right now.


The Last Supper was an example of community in the church

While the Catholics sleep, parishioners have become distant. It used to be that I would talk to friends after mass. Now, people pretty much just leave. But it’s worse. During the sign of peace, everybody waves to people. Nobody shakes hands.

The woman behind me at mass last week actually offered her hand to shake. I told her after mass that I appreciated her bravery and that her gesture is what God would want.

My point here is that the Catholics have allowed their church to be transformed into a sterile, impersonal place. I don’t see how this can be remedied any time soon. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.


Remember separation of church and state. While the Catholics sleep, the state has made it’s way into the Catholic church and they are wreaking havoc. The church used to remain autonomous. But, since coronavirus, the church ceded it’s autonomous privileges to the government and the Vatican. Rather than making their own rules, they allowed a phony doctor to tell them what to do.

This mistake is going to cost them for a long, long time. Freedom lost never gets returned.

Satan’s Joy

While the Catholics sleep, the world runs rampant and Satan enjoys every single day. While the church embraces almost everything that goes against Catholic teachings, the people realize that what we were taught for all of these years really doesn’t matter.

It’s so hypocritical. We were told that killing is a mortal sin. And, when we have mortal sin, we are not supposed to receive communion. But, when Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi support killing, our Pope supports them receiving communion. This mixed message is teaching parishioners that you can sin and receive communion without consequences.

Is that what God wants? Or, is that what Satan wants? I think the answers to these questions have become quite blurred.

And Finally

While the Catholics sleep, they are losing their church. People are leaving. And, they don’t care about sin. The government has happily teamed with the Catholic church for the Great Reset. Our pope doesn’t care about souls. He cares about everything but that.

Honestly, the Catholic church doesn’t even feel like a church anymore. I still like to hear the readings, hear the homily and pray, but I feel like I could do the same thing in my house. In my mind, the only reason I need to be at church is for the consecration and to receive communion.

I don’t have the same enthusiasm to go to church that I used to have. It doesn’t feel as holy as it did. It feels lonely. And, nobody seems to care that it has been transformed into something it shouldn’t be. It is so disappointing that nobody has the courage to do anything about it. They are cowards who don’t care about the parishioners.

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