Which Celebrity Scum is Next?

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I read that Jimmy Buffet died. Since he decided to tell me what to put inside my body, I had little to no reaction. I used to love Buffet, and even attended a concert. But these celebrities think they know everything and that they can coerce their fans into submission. It’s a God complex. Now that Buffet is gone, which celebrity scum is next? Here are some suggestions.

Robert DeNiro

Robert DeNiro made a lot of money off the backs of Americans. Yet, he still spits in the faces of us. He is a radical left liberal who enjoys watching our country be ruined. To be honest, I believe he has mental issues because he goes off on rages. DeNiro needs to be next.

John Cusack

John Cusack is an enigma. He jumps into Twitter discussions with comments that make no sense whatsoever. When I entered “John C” into my search engine, he wasn’t even in the top ten suggestions. When celebrities like Cusack fade away, they have to try to be relevant. Cusack is ignorant and needs to be next.

Howard Stern

There are at least a million reasons that Stern should be next. The first of which is that the world would be a much better place without him. But, Stern decided that unvaccinated people are a threat and should be eliminated. Of course, Stern is no doctor or scientist. But, he is a loud mouth who talks out of his butt.

Kathy Griffin

Comedian Kathy Griffin had surgery for lung cancer

I still don’t know what she does or who she is. But, I know she returned to Twitter to post her threatening tweets about President Trump. I wonder how many followers she has. I’m guessing five. She is a very qualified candidate to be next to die.

Neil Young

Neil Young could easily be next in line. He looks like a walking skeleton. Remember when he pulled his music from Spotify because Joe Rogan allegedly gave false information about coronavirus. Young lost miserably. He wanted us to take the killer vaccine. He should be next. And, he just might be.

Colin Kaepernick

You can easily make the case that Kaepernick is the stupidest person on planet Earth. He decided it was more important to disrespect the National Anthem than to play football. So, he hasn’t played football since. He couldn’t even get signed as a third-string quarterback after a workout. He wasted his life, so he should be next.


Celebrities prove how dumb they are every single day. They also show how out of touch they are with Americans. When they preach to us, they should get what they deserve. And, that is the next scumbag to die. You reap what you sow.

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