Where’s the Supreme Court Leaker?

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Well, it’s been 47 days since the Roe v. Wade draft opinion was leaked from the Supreme Court. And, it’s been 47 days without the identification and punishment of the leaker. To be honest, I feel like our members of Congress and the Supreme Court have moved on. Where’s the Supreme Court leaker? Maybe I can help our inept law enforcement officers to figure it out.

I Wonder

Since the leak was an abortion decision, maybe you should look at a place that supports abortion. I wonder if the leaker has taken refuge in an abortion facility. I’m certainly not Sherlock Holmes, but the clues would likely lead me to look here.

Maybe the Supreme Court leaker has taken refuge somewhere evil


Since the leaker is so good at hiding, maybe the leaker has infiltrated other branches of government. You can leave no stone unturned. I suggest looking at past government photos and videos to see if you can spot the leaker. I’ll bet the leaker has been around some Congress members that support abortion.

Maybe the Supreme Court leaker has infiltrated other government institutions

Having Fun

The leaker is probably having fun somewhere knowing that she or he will never be found. I would be. And, I’m sure the leaker is laughing every day.

Maybe the Supreme Court leaker is having fun and laughing at you


Let’s see. Chucky Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court threatening two justices. Is it possible that the leaker was there? I would put the odds very high.

I wonder if the leaker was with Chucky Schumer


This was meant to be funny, but this isn’t funny. Why in the world is it so hard to figure out who the leaker is? If this were on the other shoe, the Democrats would have blamed Trump, impeached him five times, investigated him for the next ten years, flogged him on the Supreme Court steps, arrested everyone in his family, and tortured all 72 million of his voters.

Can we please do something?

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