Where is the Second Gentleman?

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We have our first ever second gentleman in Douglas Emhoff. He is the husband of Kamala Harris. I can’t remember hearing or reading one thing about him since the inauguration. Where is the second gentleman? I decided to do some research.


Per the White House web page, Emhoff was a prominent entertainment lawyer for nearly 30 years. As second gentleman, Emhoff will devote his time to the causes of justice, equality and human rights. Emhoff says that “We will make sure that all of you have a seat at the table, and leadership that you need and leadership that you deserve.”


Ashlii Babbitt was needlessly murdered on January 6, 2021 at the United States Capitol Building

I wonder when the second gentleman will devote his time to help the January 6th political prisoners. They could certainly benefit from a seat at his table. And, how about Ashlii Babbitt? Does she get a seat at his table after being murdered for no good reason?

I wonder when the second gentleman will intervene to eliminate censorship of conservative opinions on social media. It’s not justice when only one side can post while the other is censored.

How about the 2020 election? I think you should call for a audit of all states to validate that justice was served and that every American’s legal vote was counted.


This administration has created a divide among Americans who are vaccinated and those who are unvaccinated. I think it’s past time for the second gentleman to step in and demand equality for all Americans. It’s hypocritical for the administration to care so much for racial equality and LGBTQ+ equality, but ignore the inequality they are creating around the coronavirus vaccine. Let’s get to the table on this one.

Human Rights

Brandon was in solitary confinement with a row of others

You don’t have to go too far on this one, second gentleman. January 6th political prisoners are being denied medications and healthcare in prison. The administration is trying to take away the freedom to choose what goes into their body. The administration is trying to take away a parent’s right to free speech at school board meetings. Medications to treat coronavirus are being taken away from patients who need them.

Thousands of senior citizens were killed in nursing homes because of the bad decisions of some governors. And, there has been no accountability to their families. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans were left behind in Afghanistan. Is this good enough for your table?

Maybe you can step in and help Mayor Pete with the supply chain crisis. Restoring the Christmas holiday to Americans can be your bellwether moment. How about the oil and gas crisis? Americans are going to have to pay a lot more to heat their homes this winter, and some may not be able to afford it. To the table, I ask?


Based on our second gentleman’s statement, there are quite a few things that he can be working on. But just like Kamala, he has been AWOL since inauguration day. I love how these so-called leaders can publish a statement like this and do nothing. And, never be held accountable.

Well, I’m officially holding you to your statement second gentlemen. There are a lot of Americans out here who want a seat at your table and want the leadership we deserve. We’re sure not getting it from the president and your wife. I’m offering you a chance to be a hero. Don’t pull my seat out from under me.

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