Where is the Outrage?

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I’m really, really concerned. Peter Navarro is a 72 year old scholar who served loyally in the Trump administration, and continues his loyalty to this day. He does yoga and rides a bike. Most importantly, he genuinely cares about America and it’s citizens. This gentleman was arrested in the middle of an airport and taken in handcuffs to a jail where he was strip searched and placed in shackles. Where is the outrage?

Is it This Bad?

Is it this bad now that my Democrat friends find this normal and acceptable? Is our country that divided? It certainly appears like it. This doesn’t happen in America. It happens in Russia or North Korea. Nobody mentions it. And, nobody seems to care. Until it happens to your father, or grandfather, or son. Then you’ll care immensely.

When I watched what the government-sponsored networks had to say, I threw up in my mouth. They were “all in” on this. Navarro got what he deserved. The media needs a complete overhaul. They are beyond out of hand.

So Called Friends

It is chilling how not one single Republican is outraged by this. There has been nothing but silence. What happened to coming to the aid of a friend? If you were walking down a street and I slapped your wife, would you come to her aid?

Why do the Republicans let people hang? What are they scared of? That they might be next? You all don’t stick together. You turn your back on people. And, you should be investigating this every which way you can. Telling your positive message while the Democrats lynch your fellow so-called friends isn’t the answer. If you don’t fight back on this gross use of force, it can happen to any one of us. IT NEEDS TO STOP!

I’m Worried

Kevin McCarthy is a failed leader in the House of Representatives

That brings me to President Trump. I’m worried. For someone who is so willing to share his opinion, why is he so silent? If I recall, he was pretty quiet about Steve Bannon’s arrest. Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe he is being instructed by his attorney’s to remain quiet. And, it’s killing him.

My other concern is his backing of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House if the Republicans win the house in the midterm election. Kevin McCarthy does absolutely nothing. He has allowed the Democrats to run roughshod for the last 18 months. His “bestie” is Liz Cheney. He lives with a Democrat pollster. There is audiotape of him saying that Trump instigated January 6th.

So, my concern is if McCarthy has something on Trump about January 6th? And, is Trump backed into a corner? My spider senses are tingling.

Point of No Return

We are quickly getting to a point of no return. The only way to turn this around is to vote out this awful generation of Democrats. I’m sick and tired of hearing the Democrats say “threat to our Democracy” when they are the very real and true threat to our Democracy. This country needs to wake up. Arresting people like Navarro is totally unacceptable. There is right way to do things. And, the Democrats know no right.

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