Where Are Your Stimulus Checks?

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Mitch McConnell

Remember those stimulus checks during coronavirus. And, remember how the Republicans lost control of the Senate because Mitch McConnell wouldn’t pass a $2000 payment. That cost the Republicans a lot more than a billion dollars. I’ll bet McConnell would like a do over on that one. But, I digress. Where are your stimulus checks now?


A lot of your stimulus checks are going into the gas tank on your car or truck. I drive a small economy car. Before Biden, it cost me about $20 to fill up my car. Now, it costs me about $40 a fill. If I conservatively fill my tank every two weeks, that’s taking $520 out of my stimulus checks. Assuming I received two $1200 stimulus checks, that’s $2400 minus $520 equals $1880.


Groceries cost 11% more now than a year ago. Conservatively estimating that I used to spend $100 a week on groceries, I’m now spending $11 a week more than I used to. That’s $44 a month, and ends up being $528 a year extra. So, now my $1880 remaining of my stimulus checks minus $528 leaves me with $1352.


The cost of electricity has increased by 11%. So, I used to pay about $100 per month. Now, I’m paying $111 per month. That’s an increase of $11 per month. Over a year that’s an extra $132. So, my remaining stimulus check amount of $1352 minus $132 leaves me with $1220.


Rent is up 5%. So, if you rented an apartment or house for $1000 per month, you are now paying $1050 per month. That extra $50 a month over a year is $600. So, subtract the extra $600 from the remaining $1220 stimulus check balance leaves $620.

Natural Gas

The cost of natural gas is up by 22.7%. Being very conservative, if I used to pay $50 a month for natural gas, I’m now paying $61.35 per month. That’s an increase of $11.35 per month. Over the course of a year, that’s $136 more. Subtract the $136 from the remaining stimulus check balance of $620 leaves $484.

Used Car

Let’s say you need to purchase a used car. The price of a used car is up 24%. Being conservative, you choose a car that would have cost $20,000 a year ago. Now, that used car costs $24,800. That’s a difference of $4800. So, subtract the $4800 from the $484 balance from your stimulus checks to get a new balance of -$4316.


Let’s assume you take a vacation for a week this summer. Lodging is 17.5% higher than it was last summer. If you used to rent a room for $100 per night, it now costs you $117 per night. Multiplying $17 over seven night results in an additional $119. So, subtract $119 from your stimulus check balance of -$4316 resulting in your new balance of -$4435.


I could keep going, but I’m sure you get the picture. The stimulus ended when Biden and the Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and took over the government. You’re stimulus checks are long gone. It was temporary money. Everybody was so stimulated to get “free” money. But, nothing is free.

My friends, it is time to awaken. Put on your thinking caps and actually think. It’s all a game, and we are the pawns. The government takes advantage of us and thinks we’re stupid. If you’re not thinking for yourself, then you are stupid. You need to value your money and protect your investments. Because the government is destroying everything you have saved.

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