Where Are You Going America?

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I can’t watch anymore and I have to get this out. Where are you going America? The United States of America is now the Divided States of America. And, it’s not getting better for a long time, if at all. In fact, I believe it’s going to get much worse.

I Knew It

When I was a kid, I always looked at the year 2020 as a milestone. I always did the math to see how old I would be. And, I always wondered what the world would be like. I imagined simple things like flying cars and moving sidewalks. Maybe I watched too much of the Jetsons.

1970's hippies are in control of our government now

But, I always had one big concern. I always wondered what would happen to our country when the 1960’s and 1970’s generations were in power. I have perfect clarity on that now. And, it scares me to my core.

It seems like every 50 years, our country goes off the rails. Think about it. The 1870’s after the Civil War, the roaring 1920’s. The psychedelic 1970’s. And, now the 2020’s. The twenty-somethings of the roaring 1920’s were leaders in the 1970’s. The twenty-somethings of the 1970’s are leaders now. And, the twenty-somethings of today are scarier than any of them. God bless this country in the 2070’s if the country is still here.

Racial Divide

The Democrats, celebrities, professional athletes and mainstream media never let a good crisis go to waste. They continue to use police shootings of black people to drive a wedge between white and black people. And, it’s working. Despite what they say, there is not, and was not, a racial divide in our country a year ago. The Democrats are mad because more minorities voted for Trump in 2020 than ever before. And, they will do anything, including killing and destroying our cities, to win back the voters.

Rioting and looting are weapons of the Democrats

The Democrats are in bed with “Black Lives Matter” and Antifa. They are pushing to “defund the police,” which might be the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Basically, they want rioting and looting with no consequences. They want minimal police coverage so law breakers can run free. And, they want anarchy in our cities. All because they believe this will score them voters and power. Of course, at the cost of life and destruction of America.

Coronavirus Exploitation

Coronavirus is another crisis not to be wasted by Democrats and the mainstream media. They locked the country down for over a year to dismantle Trump’s economy and win the election. Then, they knowingly killed senior citizens in nursing homes because most of them are Trump supporters. They intentionally keep people away from their places of worship trying to cancel God. The Democrats force us to wear masks so everybody is viewed as an equal. Then, they keep extending the mask mandate to see how long our country will comply. And sadly, a large group of cowards including many twenty-somethings are happy to comply.

Coronavirus was also used by the Democrats to steal the 2020 presidential election. All of the new laws and procedures resulted in mayhem. Multiple ballots were mailed out, dead people voted, out-of-state people voted, ballot harvesting was rampant and my vote meant nothing. Now, the Democrats want to federalize elections so they can do the same things every election.

One final thought on lockdowns. Isolation is a great motivator when you want someone to change their behavior. Just ask any torturer.

Gender as a Weapon

I find this interesting. Tell a twenty-something to wear a mask, and they’ll do it blindly. But, tell them not to change their gender, or not to get a tattoo. And, that’s an infringement on their freedoms.

the left uses gender to expand the LGBTQ community

Of course, the Democrats and mainstream media are exploiting gender as a weapon. This is to win the vote of the LGBTQ community. It might not be a large voting block now, but if they can expand it, they can stay in power. So, now there are over sixty gender types. Children can decide to change their gender. Some at eight years old. Health insurance must pay for gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy. And, Hollywood now highlights gay people and transsexuals in almost all of their entertainment offerings. That is called persuasion.

This sums it up in 2021 from the song “Lola” written by Ray Davies and performed by the Kinks:

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world

Killing for Power

Killing is fine if it helps the Democrats gain more power, helps them win future elections, or supposedly helps the environment. But, killing is not fine to Democrats if a white police officer shoots a black person that pulls a knife on her/him.

Population control started in America in 1973 after Roe v. Wade. Over 62 million babies died as a result of abortion since then. And, 12.5 million black babies died in that total.

Population control continued during the coronavirus pandemic. I don’t think it was a mistake that senior citizens in nursing homes were subjected to coronavirus and killed. It doesn’t make any sense to me to decide to put people with coronavirus into nursing homes. Some of these governors are pretty dumb, but I can’t see them making a decision like that without some ulterior motive. It doesn’t add up.

Police officers have a job to do, and most of them do it admirably. Every time a white police officer shoots a black person with cause, the Democrats don’t need to stir the pot for political theater. It’s not doing anyone good. Not the police. Not the black people. And, not the white people. The Democrats are using black people in an ugly game.

Mob Rule is Not Cool

Derek Chauvin doesn’t look like a “nice” police officer. But, that doesn’t mean a mob can threaten the judge, attorneys and jurors at his trial. These mob “animals” threaten people, dox people, throw blood on their homes, and even more atrocious acts to try and influence an outcome.

Imagine if you were a juror in his trial. Would you have the courage to acquit him knowing that it’ll cause riots across the country and put you, your family, and your home in jeopardy. You don’t need to answer. It’s a resounding NO. It’s even more difficult when Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters are pressuring you toward their desired outcome.

More Mobs Out to Rule

Coca Cola company wants to influence politics

When one hundred corporate organizations get together to influence our elections, that is a very big problem to me. I did not vote any of them into office. They have no right to use their stature in support of one political party. Of course, the Democrats love it. This is a great way to suppress the conservative vote and squeeze conservatives further. The Democrats still want all of us conservatives to pay for supporting President Trump.

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are in collusion to control all of us. This bloc of companies is referred to as big tech. Notice I said “all of us” Democrats. Once they silence the conservatives, they’ll be coming for you. The thing about power is that once you have it, you can’t get enough of it. If these companies aren’t stopped soon, our first amendment rights to free speech will be completely gone.

The mainstream media is in collusion with the Democrats on what to report, when to report it, and how to report it. Journalism is gone in the mainstream media. They are merely an extension of the Democratic party. And, it is definitely state-run media now. As in Communist China, state-run media plays what the government wants you to hear and suppresses what the government doesn’t want you to hear. Sound familiar?

And There’s More

Politicians are elites greedy for money and power

The 1970’s generation leaders have legalized marijuana in many states. That comes as no surprise to me. Virginia recently legalized polygamy. Election integrity is gone. Government leaders are elites now who only care about themselves, money, power and getting re-elected forever. The Democrats want as many people as possible on government programs so they can control them.

Our professional sports teams have devolved into political activists and no longer care about the fans and the games. Entertainers no longer entertain. They are political mouthpieces of the left. Just watch an awards show. Hypocrisy doesn’t mean anything anymore. The Democrats don’t care when they get called out for it. They just deflect it as being racist.


Our country is under attack from the liberal left, and they are taking no prisoners. If we don’t wake up soon, it’ll be too late. I’m angry at the people who voted for this, even though President Trump really won the election. Maybe those voters only watched the mainstream media and got one-sided information. Maybe they vote Democrat regardless of the damage they will do. Some of them probably have no idea about the issues or only care about one particular issue. But, these voters put us in a predicament that will be very hard to undo. And, I’m disgusted and sad.

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