What Is Acceptable Murder?

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A puppy is dragged from the back of a truck. A woman is set on fire and killed in a New York City subway by an illegal alien. A confused transsexual kills several children and teachers in a school shooting. What is acceptable murder? Let’s explore what kinds of murder people don’t care about.


Americans love their animals. So, when their is a report of animal cruelty, people get up in arms. You can kick a person in the leg, but don’t dare kick their dog. My gosh. People have been in car accidents trying to avoid running over a squirrel. Anthony Fauci was beloved by a lot of people, but he lost a lot of support when we found out he was abusing and experimenting on beagle puppies. So, killing animals is not acceptable.


This one gets a little gray. Lighting a live woman on fire and killing her is not acceptable unless you are a leftist liberal or mainstream media liar that doesn’t want to admit that an illegal alien did something bad. Killing a young lady jogging in broad daylight is not acceptable as long as the murderer is not an illegal alien. And, raping and killing a twelve year girl and throwing her in a drainage ditch is not acceptable as long as the murderer is not an illegal alien. So, murder is not acceptable if the murderer is a legal citizen.

School Shootings

School shootings are not acceptable when the shooter is not a transsexual. These mentally unstable and confused shooters are out of control. Opening fire in a school and shooting as many people as possible needs to stop. So, school shootings are unacceptable and make us angry.


The federal government is buying aborted baby body parts for research

There is more outrage over killing an animal than a baby. And, there is total outrage when a person is murdered. Yet, there is no outrage when an innocent baby in a mother’s womb is ripped to pieces and killed. Is there no outrage because you can’t see it? Or, is there no outrage because it is considered a right of every woman? To me, it’s just common sense. But to a lot of other people, it is a hill worth dying on.


I’m sure my position has been written about. My position is that people get downright angry when a dog is killed, but don’t get angry when a baby is aborted. Or, people get downright angry about the death penalty. But, they look the other way when a baby is aborted. Why don’t people believe abortion is murder? And, why do they care more about killing an animal? This is not going to play well when you meet your maker.

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