What Are We Putting In Our Bodies?

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My body, my choice means that I will decide if I'll get the coronavirus vaccine

Recent studies have found evidence that childhood vaccines may be a leading cause of autism. If you search the web for “vaccines cause autism,” don’t be surprised by the results. The CDC, Mayo Clinic and more state emphatically that vaccines do not cause autism. I don’t care how reputable they might be, they are lying. Because, healthcare is all about money. It has nothing to do with making you better anymore. What are we putting in our bodies? Or, what are they putting in our bodies?


Thankfully, the coronavirus vaccine opened some people’s eyes. And thankfully, the push to vaccinate everybody at any cost raised suspicions. Then, the side effects came to light and people started dropping dead.

Should we trust the scientists making the vaccines? Emphatically no. If they were asked to include something in a vaccine because their company can make billions of dollars, it’s going in. The new generation of scientists, doctors and nurses are inept. They have no idea what they’re doing because our universities are happy to pass them as long as they get their enormous tuition payments.

Beef, Pork and Poultry

They are getting that coronavirus vaccine in us one way or the other. Now, they are giving the vaccine to animals that are used for food with the hope that the vaccine elements will pass into us when we eat. This is not a conspiracy theory like they want us to believe. It’s real and it’s happening.

Of course, I didn’t get the experimental coronavirus vaccine. But, I feel like I should get tested to see if the garbage is in me. Good luck to me finding a place that will do a test and provide true results.

Tap Water

We trust tap water without question. But, how easy would it be to put something in the water? This would be a terrorist’s dream if they can pull it off. But, I’m not talking about terrorists. I’m talking about our own government. We would have absolutely no idea if they did something. Except when we started dropping dead for no reason. It sounds far-fetched, but after the coronavirus vaccine push, all suspicions are on the table.


Then, there are prescription drugs and street drugs. They have a pill and/or shot for everything under the sun. I see at least three new drug commercials every day. When God created our bodies, I don’t think he had in mind that we would put chemicals into our bodies. It can’t be a good thing.

Street drugs are even worse. They are literally destroying the minds of people. God mustn’t have seen this one coming. Brains are getting fried. Bodies are getting destroyed. And, people are dying.


In the bible, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says:

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

God gave us the directive to take care of our bodies. That means that we need to safeguard what we put into our bodies. And, often that means making difficult choices and standing up for ourselves. In this instance, what goes in doesn’t come out. It is in you forever.

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