What Are The Democrats So Scared Of?

2021-07-27 | 04:35h
2021-07-27 | 04:34h
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What Are The Democrats So Scared Of?

Published date July 26, 2021

Last modified date July 26, 2021

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The Democrats are doing everything they can to block the election audits and new election integrity laws. I find their efforts to be quite telling. What are the Democrats so scared of? They’re acting awful guilty. They are taking extraordinary measures to censor any information about the elections and they go after anybody who is in pursuit of the truth. This should worry every American.

Exhibit One

If somebody accused me of cheating on a test when I didn’t cheat, I would do everything I can to prove the person wrong. If somebody could perform an audit at the request of the accuser, I would welcome the audit because I know it would exonerate me.

On the other hand, if I did cheat on the test, I would do everything I can to silence and disavow the accuser. And, I would try to stop any accuser audits for fear that they might find out I actually cheated.

Exhibit Two

It’s common sense. If the Democrats didn’t do anything in the election, then they should welcome the audits. It might prove that nothing happened. Then, they can tell the American people that the Republicans wasted time and money chasing something that doesn’t exist. And, they can say I told you so.

What do the Democrats want more than anything? Donald Trump. They falsely impeached, accused and slandered him. They spent millions of dollars trying to silence and get rid of him. If there is nothing to find and these audits prove fruitless, they can finally achieve their objective. But, it has to be on the up and up. The Democrats can’t hide evidence and decertify voting machines to get their desired outcome.

Exhibit Three

What if your wife accused you of cheating on her? And, you did. You immediately stomp on your phone to break it. Then, you go to your office and wipe your computer of any evidence. You call the girl you’re cheating with and warn her in case she receives a phone call or is approached by your wife. Finally, you call your friends to make sure they deny it if they are contacted.

These are the actions of a guilty person. A guilty person hides evidence, destroys evidence, and makes sure he cannot be caught. Does this sound like what we’re seeing the Democrats do as a result of the election audits. I’ll answer for you. Yes. They are acting guilty. But, they are telling us they are protecting our democracy. Who is really protecting our democracy though?

Exhibit Four

Hypothetically, a former Secretary of State is accused of using a personal email server, which is illegal. When it is brought to the attention of the authorities, she wipes the email server and destroys it. Then, her former President husband meets the then Attorney General on an airport tarmac to do damage control so his wife won’t be investigated.

These are the actions of a guilty person. Destroy evidence and manipulate a government official. And, it worked. But, did it? That hypothetical Secretary of State lost the presidential election because people believed she was guilty as a result of her actions.

Exhibit Five

Votes are being counted in Detroit. The poll workers tape cardboard on the windowsAMP and barricade themselves in the building. During that time, Joe Biden overtakes Donald Trump in the election. Does their barricade sound like the action of people who are doing the right thing?

If they were being transparent, they wouldn’t need to hide behind cardboard. Hiding is an action of a dishonest person.


If you know in your heart that you didn’t do something that you are being accused of, you want every piece of evidence scrutinized to prove your innocence. However, if you did do something you are being accused of, you want every piece of evidence hidden or destroyed to eliminate the chance of being found guilty. Based on what you know now, I’ll let you be the judge of where the Democrats fall as it relates to the 2020 election.

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