What About These Trump Nominees?

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President Trump has been busy making nominations preparing for his third term in office. And of course, the Democrat propaganda machine (mainstream media) and RINOs are trying to stop him every step of the way. It got me to thinking of some of the lesser known nominations. What about these Trump nominees?

Wall Street Czar

There is nobody more qualified to be Wall Street Czar than Nancy Pelosi. She has been beating the market for years because she has a keen eye for knowing when a company will win or lose a big government contract. This was an easy pick.

Dress Code Czar

Senator John Fetterman was a great pick here. I think he will bring a fresh new look to the government. I look forward to seeing Congress in short pants and hoodies for Trump’s first State of the Union.


Trump has tabbed Adam Kinzinger as Director of BWAC (Bed Wetting and Crying). This is a prestigious appointment that is only open to proven bedwetters. Kinzinger is more than qualified. Both political parties are eyeing up Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for an upcoming administration.

Stable Girl

Former representative Liz Cheney was nominated as Stable Girl. In this role, she will walk behind members of Congress cleaning up their crap. I don’t mean that kind of crap. I mean the lying crap that comes out of their mouths. But, for dear Liz, it can be the other kind of crap too. She will excel at this.

Honesty and Integrity

George Stephanopoulos was chosen to lead the Honesty and Integrity Department. Thanks to his honest reporting and unheralded integrity, he was a great choice. I understand he will bring 16 million dollars and an apology note on his first day. What employer wouldn’t want that?

Global Murder

Almighty Doctor Fauci

Trump followed the science and nominated Anthony Fauci as Director of Global Murder. In this role, Fauci will continue his onslaught of killing around the world. With a dotted line reporting structure to Bill Gates, Fauci will have as much money as he needs to reduce the population across the globe. I understand that Fauci has already tabbed former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as his deputy.

Puppy Killing

This is interesting. Fauci has also been tabbed as Director of Puppy Killing. Apparently, he will be wearing two hats. At least, this one is easy for him.

Obnoxious and Dumb

In big news, Senator Lindsey Graham will lead the brand new Department of Obnoxious and Dumb. The department doesn’t yet have a mission, but reports are that it will be a one man department that removes a total buffoon from hurting the country and it’s people. I’m sure Ilhan Omar has a future in this department. Congratulations Lindsey.


The truth is I could just go on and on with these. The sad truth is that our government provides fodder to go on and on with these. Congress is a disaster. We must vote the buffoons out. This past election was a giant first step, but the cleaning must continue.

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