Weird Things My Cat Does

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I have a seventeen year old cat that is part Maine Coon. She was originally one of two female cats in our house, and the other cat dominated her for years. Since the death of our other cat, she has enjoyed her freedom and having the run of the house. But, she’s quirky. Here are some of the weird things my cat does.

Drink to Me

My cat loves to drink water

My cat loves water. All I have to do is fill her bowl with fresh water at the sink, and when I turn around she is already sitting at the water station waiting. I can hardly put the bowl down before she starts drinking.

She lays down with her paws around the bowl and licks the water on the edge of the bowl. I guess that’s the best way to get as much as possible. I tried it with my iced tea, but it just makes a mess. She drinks until she looks like she’s asleep with her chin in the bowl. One unwelcome side effect of this drinking approach is that everything under her chin gets wet from reaching across the bowl.

But, the cutest thing she does when the water is low is to pat her paw on top of the water and then lick the water from her paw. I don’t particularly care when she comes up on my lap after doing this though.

Upside Down

My cat loves to watch television upside down. In fact, she enjoys doing a lot of things upside down. She lays on her back with her back paws curled up in the air. I tried watching television upside down, but I got dizzy. Maybe she’s on to something though. Since television shows are so woke today, I think they’re upside down. So, maybe watching them upside down is actually watching them right side up. I’ll have to give it another try. But, wait a minute. I don’t want to watch woke television anyway.


My cat loves to play footsie with me

My cat loves to play footsie with me. When I go into the kitchen to make something to eat, she always plops down beside me and makes sure her back paws are touching my feet. She also purrs very loudly when she does this. It’s a little weird, but I kind of like it. Sometimes, I overcook my food because I don’t want to pull my foot away from her. That makes me a little weird.

I always have to move because she would do this for hours.

Sitting Bull

My cat loves to sit on my foot. In fact, she’s doing it now. She just came under my computer desk and her butt is firmly planted on my foot. I kind of feel like a prisoner. And, she’s purring very loud. Just to let you know, she wasn’t recently in her litter box and this is why I wear slippers.


My cat gets in ruts. She used to sleep in a bed by my computer desk, but now she sleeps in the bathroom on a mat under the sink. During the summer, she would find that one tiny spot where the sun is shining and lay there. She also sleeps on a mat under our kitchen sink. Then, she’ll sleep in the dining room for about three months. Then, she’ll probably come back to the bed in the office. The point is that she sleeps around. I didn’t mean it that way.

The Tease

My cat teases me by getting on my lap and getting right down

At the end of the workday, I usually sit on the couch to watch Steve Bannon’s War Room. As a side note, this is the best conservative program anywhere, and I watch it on Rumble.

Anyway, she hears me sit down, and she comes in to lay on my lap. She’s old and it takes all of her energy to jump up and get on my lap. First, she sits on my lap and thinks about God knows what. Then she lays down on my leg bridge from the couch to the ottoman. She purrs like it’s the best thing that ever happened to her. After about five minutes, she stops purring and uses all of her energy to jump back down. It’s very weird.

Food Tricks

My cat only has one and a half of her fang teeth left. So, eating is difficult for her. But, she figured out a way to make it work. She manages to get a piece of her food, and then she tosses it in the air and catches it in her mouth. It’s a great trick, but there are a couple side effects. First, sometimes she ingests the piece of food whole without chewing it. Then, she vomits whole food. Second, it makes a mess around her bowl because she misses her mouth sometimes.


Sometimes when my cat lays down, she crosses her paws like she is praying. I always wonder what she is praying for. Maybe she is praying that she can get her fang teeth back. Or, maybe she is praying for more water. Maybe she is praying that the 2020 presidential election gets overturned and President Trump is reinstated. I certainly pray for that.


My cat is cute and adorable. And, I love her. But, she has some weird attributes. Please leave comments about weird things your cat does and how you spoil them. I’d love to read them!

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1 Response

  1. My cat Reggie is 2 years old and sprints around the house every morning. He jumps up on the side of the armchair and hangs there like a monkey with his eyes all wide and huge. Cats are so strange.