We Should Stop Paying Taxes

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Where are our tax dollars going? Are we getting any bang for our buck? As I watch the government spend my money on one insane thing after another, it irritates me to my core. I mean this seriously. We should stop paying taxes until we have a say in what our money is used for. What we have right now is taxation without representation. And, that goes for both Republicans and Democrats.

Domestic Terrorists

Our government is using our tax dollars to pursue everyday Americans who voice their concerns about what their children are being taught at school board meetings. The Department of Justice and the FBI are spending our money to track parents and now to raid their homes. I don’t think any more of our taxes should be used to fund this tyranny.

January 6 Committee

Nancy Pelosi set up a January 6 Committee in the House of Representatives. They are wasting our tax dollars to stage a political witch hunt. As we know, this isn’t the first time Nancy wasted our taxes on things that are meaningless. It’s purely political theater. And we get stuck with the bill. I don’t think we should give Pelosi another penny to spend.

Illegal Aliens

How about this? While we work hard every day earning a humble salary, the Biden administration wants to use our taxes to pay illegal aliens $450,000 each. So, a family of three would be paid almost $1.5 million dollars. You heard that right. We make a humble salary and pay taxes so that Biden can turn around and use our taxes to pay illegal aliens. If this isn’t reason enough to stop paying taxes, then nothing is.


General Mark Milley is an embarrassment to the American military

Let’s see how our “woke” military is using our tax dollars. Rather than preparing for battle, military leadership is sending everybody to Critical Race Theory classes. That’s not cheap. Then Biden donated millions of dollars of our best military equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan. That’s our tax dollars wasted. The Biden administration has mandated the coronavirus vaccine for all military personnel. Those vaccines were purchased with our tax dollars. And finally, we’re paying for the military to prepare for climate change instead of China, Russia and Iran. I say no more taxes for them until they get their heads straightened out.

Salaries for Idiots

Our tax dollars pay the salaries of Joe Biden, Kamal Harris, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Fauci, Merrick Garland and many, many more idiots. I want you to think really hard. When is the last time one of these idiots actually did something meaningful? If we did a poor job like them, we would be fired. We will fire them by not voting for them, but we should stop paying their salaries now.


The Biden administration is using our taxes to fund socialism. I don’t know about you, but I never authorized that. You can certainly make the case that the boneheads who voted for him authorized it, but I’ll bet the majority of Americans don’t want it. Without our tax dollars, socialism dies. And Biden dies with it.

Political Prisoners

The Department of Justice admits that the January 6 investigation is the biggest investigation in the history of the department. Many people who attended the rally are still in prison for walking down the halls and praying. So, our taxes are being used to investigate military veterans and grandmas. And worse, to keep these people in prison. I personally think every prisoner with minor offenses should be released immediately. Since that won’t happen, we need to defund the Department of Justice by not paying taxes.


As I just mentioned, it is high time we defund the government. The last time my taxes were used wisely was when President Trump was in office. We’re dutifully paying our taxes to get inflation, a wide open border, supply chain breakdowns and socialism. We pay taxes and our Thanksgiving dinner will be the most expensive ever if we can even find the food. And, our guests will pay exorbitant prices in gas to get here. By the way, those are taxes in disguise.

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