We Can’t Wait for 2022

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If you are patiently or impatiently waiting for the 2022 midterm elections, I have a couple of messages for you. First, if we don’t find out the “root causes” of fraud in the 2020 election, then the 2022 elections will be a replay of the same fraudulent outcome. Second, by the 2022 midterms, you won’t recognize our country anymore. Just look at what the democrats have done to our country in seven months. They have another seventeen months, so just imagine what further damage they can do. We can’t wait for 2022.

Make Elections Fair Again

Black Americans are becoming a critical block for Republicans

We need to audit the 2020 election results in all fifty states. Then, we need to document a series of improvements from those audits and share them with every state well before the 2022 election. The states will have the right to implement any/all of the improvements. If a state chooses not to implement any improvements, we still have the audit results, so we know what to look for in that state.

We need to get active on this issue. I’m definitely going to be a poll worker or poll watcher in 2022. The more eyes we have on everything, the less chance for cheating. So, we need to drown them in conservative involvement and oversight.

We also need to contact our representatives and senators to make sure the democrats don’t federalize our elections before the 2022 elections. Elections need to remain a state administered process. On August 24th, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 which will federalize our elections. The Senate needs to stop this legislation.

Is This Still America?

Rioting and looting are weapons of the Democrats

The democrats have done an immense amount of damage to our country and it’s citizens in just seven months. Afghanistan, the southern border, inflation, worker shortages, coronavirus mandates, political prisoners, funded abortions, city violence and more. But, what more damage can they do?

They can stack the Supreme Court, end the filibuster, confiscate our guns, put us in reeducation camps, arrest us as political prisoners, do away with the first amendment and abolish the constitution. That’s just what I could think of off the top of my head. If the democrats stack the Supreme Court and end the filibuster, we won’t be able to save our country for a long time because the democrats will control everything for years to come.

That’s why we can’t wait until 2022. We need to make sure our representatives and senators know that we will hold them accountable if they vote to pack the court and end the filibuster.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

President Biden falls boarding Air Force One

When it comes to President Biden, we need to focus on the big things and stop spending time on the small stuff. We should be laser focused on election integrity, Afghanistan, the border, inflation, overspending, city violence, weak military leadership, King (lying) Fauci, Hunter Biden and coronavirus mismanagement.

To be honest, I’m tired of reading about Biden’s gaffes and his dementia. When Biden says that “they told me not to take questions,” that’s not news. He does it almost every time he speaks. We’ve covered it enough already. The same goes for his gaffes. He does it all the time, so it’s not news anymore.

I will grant you that his gaffes and dementia moments are hilarious. Especially when he fell up the stairs three times boarding Air Force One. I am literally on the floor laughing by the third fall. So, there is definitely comedic value to these stories. But, I feel like the time could be better spent on the big items.


We can’t wait for the 2022 elections and hope the Republicans will win the House of Representatives and the Senate. We need to take action now. And, we need to do everything we can to make sure the election is fair. We need to hold the Republicans in Congress accountable to us to block harmful legislation. Finally, we need to focus our news coverage on the big items. I’m sure I likely forgot some things, but this is the start of an action plan to take back our country from the Marxist left.

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