WatchMojo Is More Liberal Garbage

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Every so often, I turn on WatchMojo videos for entertainment. Recently, I have noticed a very liberal slant to their videos. WatchMojo is more liberal garbage. They are just another extension of the Democrat talking points. The plague is everywhere. We can’t get away from it for unpolitical, unbiased entertainment. It is time to shut down and stop watching this channel.

More of the Same

I did not find one negative video about Joe Biden. But, I found a ton of negative videos about Trump and conservatives. They were just buried in videos about “bad” people.

Believe it or not, WatchMojo can influence voters just as much as any other social media site. They are an opinion site (meant to be fun), but they can sway their videos however they want. In other words, they can make videos about how great Biden is while making videos about how bad Trump is. Unfortunately, many of their viewers are completely uninformed and easily manipulated.

If Possible

President Trump

Wouldn’t it be great if WatchMojo made a video of the top ten great things Trump did for our country? Especially as we sit in the middle of the biggest desecration of our country in my lifetime. Wouldn’t it be great if WatchMojo had the stones to keep their content unbiased and accurate? And, wouldn’t it be great if WatchMojo stayed out of politics altogether and allowed Americans to make their own decisions?

WatchMojo should stay in the entertainment business. When not running liberal interference, they are fun to watch. I don’t care for them trashing conservatives in their videos. Unless of course, they trash liberals equally.


And, that is what it comes down to. Laud conservatives and liberals equally and trash conservatives and liberals equally. It’s not hard. Whoever creates your content needs to remain cognizant of the effect it may have on people to take a certain action like voting. Keep it fun and keep it honest. Be your best you. And, don’t have your brand destroyed by the liberal masses. Or, read about Bud Light.

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