Virtue Signaling is a Disease

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As defined on, virtue signaling is the sharing of one’s point of view on a social or political issue in order to garner praise or acknowledgment of one’s righteousness from others who share that point of view, or to passively rebuke those who do not. In today’s world, virtue signaling is a disease. Events such as coronavirus have brought out the worst in people.


Virtue signaling is very similar to arrogance. But, it takes arrogance to a new level. Not only does the person believe she is better than you, she also expects you to admire her for being so righteous and she despises you if you don’t agree with her righteous point of view.

I don’t like arrogant people, and I never have. I believe in humility as taught to us by Jesus. Remember that Jesus said “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” I wonder what Jesus would say about virtue signaling. I’m sure “the first will be last” might come into play.

My Trigger

Here is what triggered me to write this post. I had a meeting at work. Some people were remote and some people were on site. I was remote. When my boss arrived to the meeting, she was wearing a mask. Then, she wore the mask during the entire meeting.

My first problem is that she had to tell us all that she’s a “masker” and that she feels protected when she wears it and that it’s good practice. I guess nobody told her that coronavirus ended months ago.

My second problem is that I had trouble understanding her when she talked. It sounded like someone talking with marbles in their mouth. I find this interesting because my company is so heavily invested in improving communications.

Other Examples

Joe Biden has a weird habit of whispering during his speeches

As I mentioned, virtue signaling is a disease. And, it’s becoming more prevalent than cancer. Maybe Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and big pharma can start working on a vaccine for it. I have some ideas about what we can put in it.

LeBron James thinks he is the expert on police relations because he can put a ball in a basket. Colin Kaepernick thinks he is the expert on police brutality because he can throw a football. Biden thinks he is an expert on everything because he’s such a tough guy. Steve Kerr thinks he is an expert on coronavirus because he coaches basketball.

These people are the worst of the worst. They are quick to offer their input with no research to back up their claims. Just ask them. Virtue signalers don’t need facts to prove their statements. Their stature should be enough. Uh, no!

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