Trump Turned On Us

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President Trump says that he is considering support for a ban on abortions at 15 weeks. Trump turned on us. And, he turned on innocent babies in the womb. This isn’t going to work out well for him.

Art of the Deal

Trump prides himself on making deals. But, killing innocent babies is not negotiable. There is no compromise. Killing another person is wrong, whether it’s at 5 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, 39 weeks or after the baby is born.


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I get it. Trump will do just about anything to win the presidential election in November. But, at what cost? For every voter he might gain because of his new abortion stance, he may lose one or two of his base voters.

I am reconsidering my vote because of his new stance. Trump’s prior stand on abortion is one of the main reasons that I supported him in 2016 and 2020. But, he has let me down. He needs to correct this mistake, and soon. Or, he is going to shed his base voters.


Here’s the thing Trump needs to consider. I’m just an average person. And, I’m reconsidering my vote. If I’m average, then there are a lot of other average people likely reconsidering their votes. I think you need to be careful not to disenfranchise your voters who support you because you led us to believe that you support the lives of babies.

There is a lot of bad stuff going on in the United States under Biden. One of the worst things is this bloodlust to murder the unborn. By giving in, Trump is no better than Biden. And, he’s no better than Robert Kennedy, Jr. So, I might as well vote for Kennedy since I like him a lot except for his support of abortion.


One of President Trump’s greatest qualities is that he doesn’t lie and he does what he says he’s going to do. But in this instance, he lied to us. He won us over by protecting the unborn. And, now he is negotiating a “deal” to kill the unborn. This won’t end well. In his quest to win more voters, he is disenfranchising his existing voters. I don’t know why he would do that. He’s smarter than that.

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