Top Ten Most Hated Republicans

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Here are my picks for the top ten most hated Republicans. Please note that Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has joined the ranks.

10 – Senator Ted Cruz, Texas

It’s getting to be election season, so that means it’s time to say stupid things to distance yourself against your opponents. So, Cruz goes off the rails and calls January 6th a “violent terrorist attack.” In an asinine attempt to make himself look like some concerned senator, he might have swayed about 1% of Democrats and 2% of Independents to vote for him, but he lost about 75% of the Republican base and 98% of Independents. These kind of stupid tactics disgust me and make him look completely stupid and hypocritical.

9 – Vice President Mike Pence

Pence turned his back on every American voter that wanted to make sure their vote counted. Traitors are not held in high esteem in history. Just ask Benedict Arnold. He makes it worse when he lamely tries to defend his actions. Pence will pay a steep price for his actions. He turned to the dark side and he’ll stay on the dark side.

8 – Representative Adam Kinzinger, Illinois

Weeping Adam should probably be higher on the list, but he’s so hopelessly irrelevant. President Trump said something bad (and true) about him, and now he’s going to do everything he can to strike back. Even at the cost of his seat and his reputation. His actions are those of an infant. Get this boy a father figure so he can learn to be a man.

7 – Former President George W. Bush

He had us all fooled. Or, did he? Former presidents are supposed to be diplomatic. But, Bush can’t let go of the total humiliation of his brother, Jeb, in the 2016 presidential primary at the hands of President Trump. So, now he plays pattycake with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama at events. Oh, and he shares a candy with his BFF Michelle Obama. How cute! Your legacy is ruined and you should go paint with Hunter Biden.

6 – Representative Kevin McCarthy, California

How many more Republicans will lose their committee assignments? How many more times will a bunch of weak Republicans vote with the Democrats? And how many more weak Republicans will sit on Pelosi’s ridiculous committees? For a supposed leader, McCarthy has no leadership skills or negotiating skills. If he becomes Speaker of the House, we’re better off keeping Pelosi. Our votes to get control of the house will be wasted. Can anyone say Paul Ryan?

5 – Governor Brian Kemp, Georgia

Stacey Abrams would have destroyed the state of Georgia, but Kemp is doing a pretty good job too. A Republican governor in a state so fraught with election fraud has a responsibility to get to the bottom of the situation. And Kemp did absolutely nothing. He wasn’t concerned and he didn’t care. Georgia should have recalled this loser. He does nothing. Nothing!

4 – Chris Christie

Christie was a failed governor of New Jersey. Now, he’s a failed Republican in every possible way. I find it unbelievable that he helped President Trump prepare for a debate with Biden. But, that’s President Trump looking at the best in everyone. Can you say sabotage?

How dumb is Chris Christie? He actually thinks he can run for president in 2024 and win. I don’t think he would get 100 votes outside of his family and friends. He can’t do the job and nobody likes him. He suffers from “Kamala syndrome.”

3 – Senator Mitt Romney, Utah

Remember when we had to vote for him for president. I grimaced when I voted. Now Romney fancies himself a Senator who votes with his conscience. The problem is he’s unconscious. He gets screamed at and booed everywhere he goes. His own state hates him. Like others on this list, President Trump said bad things about him. So, he feels compelled to vote against Trump for revenge.

Thank God this man never became president. He thinks he is smarter and better than everybody else. In fact, he is a child.

2 – Senator Mitch McConnell, Kentucky

Just bring up McConnell in a conversation, and it’s like lighting a stick of dynamite. I don’t know a single person that says something good about him. The problem is we’re stuck with him because the Republican senators won’t vote his ass out of leadership. He’s another one who does things to piss off Trump instead of representing our interests. These people are a bunch of children. If they did something good, Trump would be the first person to acknowledge that. Instead, Mitch does one bad thing after another and gets roasted for it. That is the definition of stupid and stubborn.

1 – Representative Liz Cheney, Wyoming

Caution: The following may contain strong language. Reader discretion is advised.

Rep. RINO Liz Cheney

Cheney has taken “Trump Derangement Syndrome” to an unprecedented level. Her sole purpose in life is to do everything she can to hurt President Trump despite the consequences. She lost her leadership position and now she is Nancy Pelosi’s lapdog. I’m absolutely certain that she would lose to Charles Manson in a popularity poll.

Cheney is a nobody now. The Republicans hate her and the Democrats will use her until they don’t need her anymore. As long as she is a prostitute for the Democrats, Republicans will hate her more and more. Maybe she also suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

I have never seen a politician destroy her career like Liz Cheney has done. I wonder if it has been worth it to her.

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