Top Ten Classic Rock Bands

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Here are my choices for the top ten classic rock bands and personal stories about how I came to love each one. Do you agree?

ZZ Top has made some great rock music

10 – ZZ Top

I walked to school instead of riding a bus. So, every day I would meet a friend at his house and we would walk together. Some other friends would also meet there. My friend would always have ZZ Top blaring when we got there. He would also usually have a mason jar of gin or vodka for the walk. Now, I always associate ZZ Top with my friends and drinking on the way to school.

9 – Kansas

My girlfriend and I used to double date with another couple quite often. One day we were listening to “Dust in the Wind” in the car, and I thought I heard my friend singing the wrong lyrics. I asked him what he was singing, and he said straight-faced “Ducks in the Wind.”

8 – Styx

We used to have “Purple Jesus” parties. That’s when you mix grape Kool-Aid and grain alcohol in a plastic garbage can. Then, people dip their plastic cups in the garbage can to refill their drink. I got pretty drunk one night, and I can remember Styx playing the entire night. Or maybe I don’t remember, and I just liked Styx so much that I thought that’s what I heard.

7 – Journey

When I took a job in California early in my career, I had to drive across country. Although I had a lot of cassette tapes, I seemed to play the Journey “Infinity” cassette more than anything else. Belting out “Lights” and “Wheel in the Sky” made for a nice ride. Trying to sing like Steve Perry was hilarious.

But, I wasn’t watching at one point near Dallas and two cowboy guys were looking at me singing and laughing at a stop light. I had to be more careful the rest of the way.

And one more thing. I can’t even tell you how many times I slow danced to “Faithfully” in high school. But, it was a lot.

6 – Queen

I was so intrigued with Queen from the very beginning because of their unique sound. Then they came out with “We Will Rock You” and “We Are the Champions,” and those two songs were played at almost every sporting event I attended. And, they were played on the radio station constantly. They are great songs, but I got tired of them. But, Queen was still amazing.

5 – Genesis

Some friends and I cleared out a space in the middle of the woods to make a hang out area. We scoured the neighborhood on garbage nights for thrown out furniture. We pilfered a couch, some lounge chairs and a coffee table. Then, we brought them to our spot. I’ll always remember blaring the “Abacab” and “Duke” cassettes when we were there. What were we doing there you ask? Drinking of course.

4 – Eagles

Our community used to have an annual July Fourth picnic at a big park. The main event was a music show at an outdoor amphitheater. At the first one I attended, the band was an Eagles cover band. They were incredible. I sat on the grass listening to those songs and I became a total Eagles fan. I immediately ran out and bought their greatest hits album.

When “Hotel California” came out shortly after, I was hooked forever.

3 – Rush

The first concert I ever attended was Rush. I went with a friend. On the ride there, we were drinking sloe gin. I was driving so I couldn’t drink a lot. I was not paying attention to my friend, and he was drinking way too much. When we walked into the arena, he seemed absolutely fine. Just after the concert started, a girl tapped me on the shoulder and said my friend was spitting up blood. When I turned around, he had thrown up the red sloe gin all over himself. I got him cleaned up, and we made it through the rest of the concert. Rush didn’t disappoint at all. They were amazing!

2 – Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd is one of the best rock bands of all time

I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t become a big Pink Floyd fan until “The Wall.” I played that album so many times that I had to get a second album. Then, I had to get the CD. My friends at my first job were Wall fanatics too, and we used to play it and sing the songs before we would go out on the weekends. Roger Waters is a genius. I have no idea how he wrote such a variety of songs for “The Wall.”

During my internship at Yellowstone National Park, my roommate would go home some weekends. When he did, I had an entire house to myself. I would get myself a bottle of Southern Comfort and drink while I listened to Pink Floyd. My intent was never to get drunk, and I rarely did. I just enjoyed taking in the music and listening to all of the sound effects.

1 – Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin might be the best rock band of all time

I loved Led Zeppelin from the first day I heard them. Every song would get in my head for days. I would sit in my room doing homework and listening to their albums. I would play their songs to get myself up for volleyball matches. And, I would pretend to be Robert Plant singing the songs.

My friend and I used to play softball on Sundays with the “stoners.” That’s the people who used to smoke pot. We weren’t pot smokers, but we were good friends with them. They would blare Led Zeppelin during the games, and when “Stairway to Heaven” would come on, the game stopped so everybody could sing it.

Oddly, my favorite Led Zeppelin song is “Kashmir.” I love the riff and the use of a synthesizer. I love when that song comes on in the car. It’s a great car song. I’ll admit that I do some air guitar too.

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